
Well Known Member
Here in Crescent City, CA we have no Costco. Luckily, one is located 60 miles away in Eureka, CA. Good enough reason for an RV mission with the girlfriend!


Good packing job. But, you know you are indulging in W&B pleasures when you eat "Cheddar!" Caution: Cheddar may increase fuel burn, reduce MPG, & shorten trip distances. Just sayin'!:D
Glad to see a good use of the RV. I shop at Weis it's by the runway of Braden Park, PA. :)
Good packing job. But, you know you are indulging in W&B pleasures when you eat "Cheddar!" Caution: Cheddar may increase fuel burn, reduce MPG, & shorten trip distances. Just sayin'!:D

Those are cheddar fish crackers. A staple in my house hold as well.

Must have young kids :)
Be sure to fly low. Those pre-package chips bags will explode as you climb. Nothing like hearing a loud unexpected bang when they pop.:D
Newmans brand organic coffee

Is much less expensive at Sams vs Starbucks. I think we like the taste better also.
Be sure to fly low. Those pre-package chips bags will explode as you climb. Nothing like hearing a loud unexpected bang when they pop.:D

When we do depressurization checks on a new Boeing, this is one way to know we did it right... When all the chips in the lunches decide to let go.
Ha Ha!
I just Drive. Pretty soon you will too. Then you'll find the REAL value of your RV 7:
Fly up to CEC for a Home Depot load.
How do you get to the Costco from the airport? Looks like KEKA Murray Field is still a few miles away.

My favorite for shopping is still KVCB Nut Tree Airport. It is literally right next to a Lowes, Fentons Ice Cream, Five Guys, Thai, Pizza, Mexican, Subs and more right near by. Just a short walk over the freeway you have tons of Outlet shops. I do most my clothes shopping here. I dont mind when i change my mind and decide to return something, too. ;)

Why cant all airports be like this?! :D
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Be sure to fly low. Those pre-package chips bags will explode as you climb. Nothing like hearing a loud unexpected bang when they pop.:D

It'll happen in a car too! Mid 1990s; while living in Alaska a buddy and I were driving over Anaktuvuk Pass on the Haul Road (made famous on the TV show "Ice Road Truckers") for a caribou hunt. Bag of chips popped on the top of the pass and scared the "you know what" out of us! Here we are 370+ miles north of Fairbanks thinking we had a major vehicle problem, good laugh when we realized it was just some stupid chips!
Be sure to fly low. Those pre-package chips bags will explode as you climb. Nothing like hearing a loud unexpected bang when they pop.:D

I still remember the first time I experienced that many years ago... on passing thru about 7000 MSL heard a loud pop come from the baggage area behind the rear seats of the old Cherokee. Me and my pax looked at each other with surprise and wondering what just happened to the plane. The wings and tail were still attached, the engine running, the plane still climbing and handling fine, and then we began to smell........ Doritos! :D
Yes, but Costco's goods are so pedestrian. But Trader Joe's! We, and a whole bunch of other I-5 refugees, sorely missed having one in Boise, so every trip to the left-leaning liberal side of the Sierras or Cascades found us buying cases of Two Buck Chuck and other delights to haul back. I can tell you this. Four cases of wine makes a -7 squirrelly.

TJ's finally took notice of the clambering overlooked customer base and overcame the 400 mile haul from distribution to stock a Boise store, opened last year. Now, the ocean's the sole attraction to the west.

John Siebold
KCLS Chehalis WA was a 2 runway airfield that was going broke. The city leased off the east runway, which filled with Home Depot, Walmart and a host of smaller stores, coffee and fast food joints. They have an airport gate and a little bridge across the ditch, just taxi right up and park.
The income from the property lease supports the airport.
We fly 20 minutes from Kiona Airpark, can't beat that!