pierre smith

Well Known Member
...on your Dynon HSI?

We did an RNAV approach to Athens, Ga. today and didn't get any vertical guidance shown on the D-100 HSI, although the approach plate shows an LPV approach. That selection didn't show up on the 430W, so what does it take to get the guidance and how does it appear? Like the ILS glideslope...or??


Do you have an HS34? If not, you won't get the vertical portion of the LPV approach because that is only in the ARINC 429 data stream and if you do not have the HS34, there is no way to get that data stream into the Dynon.....
Yes, I do...forgot to mention....

...that the HS-34 was installed at the same time as the 430W.

I don't have an operator's manual for the HS-34 and not sure about the use of the BRG/SRC knob.


There is some setup that must be done to make the HS34 work with the 430 and SL30...

The manuals can be downloaded here:


The HS34 stuff is in with the D100 install and operation manuals.

I would also make sure everything is up to the latest firmware revisions to ensure the most functionality.

The NAV source button lets you pick which source is driving the HSI. Each source must be configured correctly though.

The BRG source button lets you pick which source is driving the bearing (RMI) pointers. Again each source must be configured correctly to work.

The Heading knob changes the heading bug.

The course knob changes the OBS setting of the HSI/430.

A quick reference is here:

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Is the navigation database on the 430W up to date? Maybe the LPV part of the GPS approach is a new addition and not in your database on the 430W.
Thanks guys....we have all the updates...

...on both Dynons )100 and 120) and they do, in fact, all 'talk' to each other, including the NAV/SRC button...it selects the desired source, whether the 496, SL-30 or 430W. The NAV/SRC has GPS1, (496) GPS2 (430W) and Nav1 (SL-30)and Nav2 (the 430W).

I have not checked the 430's database for currency since it was just received from the dealer and installed in February.

...Pierre, I checked the publication date for the GPS RWY 27 approach at KAHN, and it was Nov 20, 2008, so the approach database in the 430W should not be the problem since you just recently received it and the database should be fairly recent.
I'll keep thinking....
I am going to ask this because it may be an issue but most likely not....

Were the ARINC lines connected and configured between the HS34 and the 430?

You can have the 430 connected over just serial and it will work but without the features that only 429 can give you.....

Were the ARINC lines connected and configured between the HS34 and the 430?


...I'm going to have to ask the 'wiring doctor' that question.

Another poster mentioned that I need to set the Dynon up with HSI + GS. I have done this in the past, before I had the 430. I lose the Density alt and VS features when I do this but if that's what it takes to get vertical LPV guidance, then that's what I'll do.

Thanks....we're off to Augusta, Bush Field for another go at LPV,

EDIT: I just spoke with Ray about the wiring and he confirmed that the 429 ARINC does in fact go to the HS-34 and then to the Dynon. I'm going to enable HSI + GS and go shoot the LPV at Bush...I'll let you know.

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Couple thoughts on things you might try to enhance the display to your liking:

First, I'm guessing you are using the split screen, perhaps with the ADI on the left and either an HSI or EMS on the right side. You are right about the left info item getting blocked in the 2/3-1/3 screen (if the GlideSlope is turned on), so...here's the thoughts (if you haven't already tried them):

- If you're not using the modern display, you might give it a try. It will give you the option of placing the OAT/DA/TAS info on the right side, and using the magenta VSI tape for your VSI. To switch to modern, go to EFIS>SETUP>STYLE, and select Modern (vice Classic).

- You probably already know how to turn on/off and change the info items, and I (like you) like to have the OAT/DA/TAS on the left (near the airspeed tape) and the VSI on the right (near the altitude tape). Makes sense, and is a good scan. Just in case, that's done in the EFIS>INFO menu, where you can select what info blocks go on the left and the right.

Since you are flying IFR/IMC and penetrating visible moisture, you probably want that OAT on the right side so you can ID when icing conditions exist (including during precision approaches...I figure that's why you want to keep both info displays alive). But you can have OAT on the right and have a VSI by doing the following:

- The VSI tape is selected on or off in the EFIS>SETUP>CLUTTER Menu, and you can pick N (off) or 1K, 2K or 4K scales. I've been using the 2K and like it, but the 1K may have better resolution for instrument approaches. You might play with it and see what looks and feels best. It may not be as easy to interpret (at first) as the digi readout, but after a bit, it makes good sense, and you actually get trending from it (how fast or slow its moving up or down).

If you are hooked on the digi readout (it is easy to interpret, no doubt about it), you could put OAT left, digi-VSI right, and enable the VSI tape. The only time you'd lose the OAT is in a VNAV descent or during a precision approach. Still got that icing thing to consider, but you could always just turn on pitot heat before entering any clouds (regardless of temp...perhaps not a bad idea anyway), and you could always cycle to the full screen display for a moment to check the temp as needed. But play with that VSI tape if you haven't before, its pretty nice.

Like I said, just some thoughts...hope you find a "best of all worlds" solution! Here's a pic from the D100 pilot guide that shows the Modern display, and has the VSI tape on, CDI+GS on, and the OAT/DA/TAS in the right info block:


Sure sounds like you're getting a lot out of the new 10, as well as the Dynon EFIS and all the capabilities! For gadget guys, it's like being a kid in a candy store, isn't it!?!! :)


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Thanks to a kind RV'er...

.....Dan Burdette from Ok, I think I've found the communication problem betwen the 430W and the D-100.

I had forgotten how to enter the "setup" mode on the 430 but he told me how...you hold the 'enter' button while you turn the unit 'on' with the volume/on/off knob. On the ARINC 429 page, all my settings were correct, except the last one labelled
'VNAV Enable labels'....mine was 'disabled', so I changed it. I'll go fly and report back whether or not I have GS shown during LPV approaches.

You're right, Bob....this stuff is fantastic....for a 64 year old stick like me to learn all these old dog/new tricks, is a fun experience....and Jenny was equally impressed with the LNAV readout on the 27 approach Friday to KAHN to visit my son and grandkids:)

One thing that I am interested to know is that under what condition one can loose the glideslop when is on LPV approach.
The other day I was on a GPS approach which I had both L&V needles. Just before FF (I think), I lost the vertical needle and when I looked at the 430, LPV had changed to LNAV. I am wondering, did my satellite coverage changed or ...?
It would seem to me....

....that if you had vertical guidance all the way down to the point where you lost it, if you were below the LNAV minimums, but above LPV minimums, you'd still be legal since you had guidance to that point.

Good question...anybody else?

One thing that I am interested to know is that under what condition one can loose the glideslop when is on LPV approach.
The other day I was on a GPS approach which I had both L&V needles. Just before FF (I think), I lost the vertical needle and when I looked at the 430, LPV had changed to LNAV. I am wondering, did my satellite coverage changed or ...?

In which case, you may downgrade and continue the approach to LNAV minimums. If you've already passed LNAV minimums at any point in the approach, you're required to go missed.
The time that this happened, I was not any where close to my minimums. I was tracking both needles (fairly centered) that my vertical needle disappeared. I looked at the 430 and it was displaying LNAV on the right lower corner whereas earlier was displaying LPV, so I continued with the approach and used the LNAV min. as my guide.
Later on, I asked my instructor if he had pushed any thing or caused it (thinking that he was testing me) and he said no. I am curious to know under what condition one could loose LPV and go to LNAV while on an approach.
The time that this happened, I was not any where close to my minimums. I was tracking both needles (fairly centered) that my vertical needle disappeared. I looked at the 430 and it was displaying LNAV on the right lower corner whereas earlier was displaying LPV, so I continued with the approach and used the LNAV min. as my guide.
Later on, I asked my instructor if he had pushed any thing or caused it (thinking that he was testing me) and he said no. I am curious to know under what condition one could loose LPV and go to LNAV while on an approach.
WAAS does an ongoing internal accuracy check, and if anything happens to the WAAS signal, it automatically drops down to LNAV mode (from my G1000 training).
Maybe the space station was passing by and blocked your signal for a few seconds :eek: So just blame Ironflight :rolleyes:
Sounds like a question for Garmin.
This happened to me a lot at first. Before committing to the approach I would check my sat strength by rotating the inner knob all the way right. If I did not have at least 80% strength on the satellites then I knew I was going to be downgraded. I moved my GPS antenna to a better location and now all is golden. The WASS is very picky about signal quality especially with LPV.
Thanks all for the clearfication. It has happened to me only that one time but I will keep an eye on it and monitor signal strenght more often.