
I'm having difficulty finding parts and things to purchase on's shop. It seems that the only way I can find anything is if I have the exact part number. Or know the exact name of the part.

For instance I'm looking to install electric rudder trim and I seem to have hard time finding the access panel I would need unless I happen to know the part number is VA-195C. It seems difficult to just browse their catalog of parts.

Does anyone know of a way to view their inventory of parts easily, or am I just missing something?

Vans support

Vans have previously acknowledged the shortcomings in the online catalog and store and have been working behind the scenes on a new and improved version. AFAIK there hasn't been any statement on when it will go live.

The current difficulty in searching for parts can also be because not everything is listed in "the list".

In the meantime, I've found the Vans support team to be really helpful via email and they seem to be able locate the part relatively easily and quickly (in a few days).
If you’d like to help with our private beta test of our new web store, once we are ready, send me an email at [email protected] with your name, kit/aircraft serial number and your phone number, and I will try to let you know when we’re going to start. It’ll be several more weeks before we’re ready. We’d be glad to invite a smallish group of owners/builders to help test, if you’re willing to put in a little time and provide feedback to help us make it work well for you.

I'm having difficulty finding parts and things to purchase on's shop. It seems that the only way I can find anything is if I have the exact part number. Or know the exact name of the part.

For instance I'm looking to install electric rudder trim and I seem to have hard time finding the access panel I would need unless I happen to know the part number is VA-195C. It seems difficult to just browse their catalog of parts.

That, my friend, is putting it kindly. :) There is hope. Our search and browsing of inventory will be greatly improved and expanded on our new store. And the d of that project is in sight.

Does anyone know of a way to view their inventory of parts easily, or am I just missing something?

One feature of the new store site will be to browse the RV kit part inventories by model and sub kit. You’ll also be able to search within them.

I’ll post a few screenshots as a teaser soon.

Thanks for the reply. I sent you and e-mail, i would be happy to help out with the beta test.

I'm excited for the updates!

Search by plan

Never been a problem for me because I have an Excel inventory typed exactly as the shipping lists. It's on my blog if any 7 builder needs it. However, sometimes, I want a part from another model and searching takes a bit more work.
That said, it woukd be sweet to search by plans. Bring up the model, select the plan, click on the part. Just an idea.
I usually just bring up "the list", and do the control-F search on the web page. BUT, this requires that you know what the part name/number is.
One feature of the new store site will be to browse the RV kit part inventories by model and sub kit. You’ll also be able to search within them.

I’ll post a few screenshots as a teaser soon.

Now you've got me excited! "The List" was great, difficult to search, but certantly useful. This sounds 100x better.