
I'm New Here
Hello All,

Does anyone out there have a method or instructions to convert a vernier throttle control to a friction only control. I want to remove the vernier function, but use my current throttle control and cable. I heard the push button function can be removed.

As always, I appreciate your input.


Not sure how this could be done from a practical stand point since a "standard" vernier throttle does not need or have a friction lock. There is one vernier cable that has a friction lock. This is the one that Van's uses for manual trim.
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Remove the vernier control from the cable by unscrewing the cable
connection. The cable has a ball on the end that should slide off sideways.
You should be able to see a small ball bearing inside the vernier tube
through a slot on the tube, you need to remove the ball. Take a round file
and enlarge the slot enough to remove the ball, that's it.
Don't the Vernier controls have like a button you can push to make it slide in and out freely?

I'm not sure I understand the down side of such a control over the less expensive friction control.
One senerio is that folks install a vernier and go fly.
Next they want to fly formation. They quickly realize it cant be done safely. Or folks wont fly with them if they have one. We specifically dont allow them in training. Many have removed the button function to allow free control for formation flying.
...Thanks, Kahuna. I appreciate the advice and hope others can use it as well.

The vernier throttle installed in my -6 does, in fact, have a separate friction lock located at the base of the unit near the panel, although this doesn't look like it should impact the mod.

Thanks again,guys,

One senerio is that folks install a vernier and go fly.
Next they want to fly formation. They quickly realize it cant be done safely. Or folks wont fly with them if they have one. We specifically dont allow them in training. Many have removed the button function to allow free control for formation flying.

Ah - hadn't considered that. All my formation flying has been with a lever-style throttle.

Makes perfect sense.
Remove vernier reversably?

I have an (older) Cablecraft (via Van?s) vernier throttle in my RV6. I?d like to try flying with the vernier disabled. It sounds like the procedure below is what I want ? but the filing step (enlarging the slot) suggests it may not be easily reversible. Is it possible to ?put the ball back in? and restore the original function if I do this ?


Remove the vernier control from the cable by unscrewing the cable
connection. The cable has a ball on the end that should slide off sideways.
You should be able to see a small ball bearing inside the vernier tube
through a slot on the tube, you need to remove the ball. Take a round file
and enlarge the slot enough to remove the ball, that's it.