
I'm New Here
I am the 2ed owner of a 6 kit without the pre-punched skin & ribs.
I am trying to flut wing ribs, but can't figure out the rivet pattern to flut in between the rivet holes that aren't there yet! Can anybody help me?

Yep, first you must layout the rivet spacing. If I remember right, the nominal spacing is 1.25".
One of the drawings has full-size ribs layed out with rivet locations. Just lay the rib on the drawing, mark where the rivets will go and flute in beteen.

I don't have the drawings with me so I don't know the drawing number.
2 ways...

sprucemoose said:
One of the drawings has full-size ribs layed out with rivet locations. Just lay the rib on the drawing, mark where the rivets will go and flute in beteen.

I don't have the drawings with me so I don't know the drawing number.

Jeff... that's on drawing 11A that is not in the original -6 drawing set. It's one of Vans later CAD drawn ones, not the hand drawn ones of the original kits.

Just call Vans and ask for a full size copy of drawing 11A .... this will give the fluting locations....

But now you will have to be careful to mark the wings skins with rivet locations that will miss the flutes.... :)

No big deal, but I think Mel's idea is better, mark the skins first for the rivets and make the flutes fit.... It is 1.25 inch nominal spacing like Mel says...

Drawing 21 gives all of the rivet spacing on the wings.

Or you could give up and just order new Pre Punched wing skins... :D

gil in Tucson

I recently did this with my 1991 RV-6A kit by working out the position of the front rivet (from design dwg) and then spacing rivets locations out along the top of the rib. Then I simply placed the rib on the bench and marked lines square to the edge of the bench at these spots and clamped a block to the bench to simulate the spar. Finally, clamp your ribs one-by-one to the block, square up the flanges and flute top and bottom flanges to make the rib flat. All the ribs are the same - just make sure you copy the pattern to your skins if you drill them before the ribs.

Finally, take care that the inboard ribs have 2" rivet spacing with the blind rivets.

Good luck.
Mark D