
I'm New Here
Hey everybody,

I need a little advice. I took my engine mount off the firewall because it had corrosion and found light corrosion on the firewall under it. I also have some corrosion around a few of the bolts that go threw the firewall and around the ground stud. How do I treat this?

Corrosion Question

How do you corrode Stainless Steel?
I know that Hydrochloric Acid will attack it.
Do you live near the ocean or use any type of Chloride based chemical near the FW?
Possible explanation.

See if you can remove it with MEK or acetone. It might just be something that splashed on the fire wall and mount and ran behind it, dried and looks like corrosion. I work with stainless steel all the time and occasionally come across what looks like corrosion on equipment but is really something coating it. I have seen things stain stainless steel but never corrode it. But you never know. Your not using some secret rocket fuel are you? :D
Stainless steel will rust if left in contact with plain steel and any moisture. You should be able to buff most of it off, touch-up paint the engine mount, and bolt it back together. I don't know if it's possible to keep water from penetrating the mount area, maybe try to run a bead of RTV around the mount contact area could help. Was there any rust on the bolt, or inside the mount where the bolt goes through? I'd be more worried about that.
Could the condition you're seeing be fretting from the mount moving on the firewall?
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I think that is rust from the motor mount transfering to the surface of the stainless firewall. Use a scotsbrite wheel or pad and it will come right off.