My 9A has a problem. I thought I had correctly drilled the two alignment holes in the WD-605 elevator horn that attach it to the F-790 elevator pushrod. Now,the left elevator is flush with the horizontal stabilizer and the right elevator is 1/8" below the horizontal stabilizer. The skins are riveted on. How do I fix this mistake?
elevator alignment

If you have several washers on each side of the rod-end bearing you could try twisting both horns ever so slightly. An eighth inch is not that much and shouldn't affect flight characteristics but I think it would bug me too.

welding shop

Same thing happened to me, so I took one of the elevators to a welding shop and they closed the hole in the horn. Tig or Mig, I can?t remember which process he used. After he got done I could not locate where the original hole use to be. Took him about 5 to 8 minutes, and he tried get away with doing it for free. Welding shop
Unless it really bothers you, don't mess with it.
We have corrected elevators as far off as 3/8" and couldn't detect any difference while flying.