
Well Known Member
Trying to use garmin pilot to edit the perf data for my RV8, Garmin pilot says go to; then flygarmin says go to garmin pilot; lufbery
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I'm assuming you are using an Android device. I have the exact same problem. Emailed garmin, it's a known issue with no resolution date. My work around was to barrow my neighbors ipad and install GP. With his permission if course. You can edit everything on an apple device.
thanks! I have an ipad I can try on, but had no idea this would fix it; I'll give it a try. I have been emailing with them round and round with no success, not sure I ever told them it was an android device. Irritating, as the whole reason I went with GP, flight stream, GTX345 etc. over foreflight and a different route was android support.
Android device:
Touch the 3 bars in the top left corner.
Touch aircraft to edit data
Find your plane on the acft mfg list
Edit as req'd.

My original settings reappeared and I also had the option to download data from Van's.
I don't use Android but this poooooor integration between the iOS app and the website is why I went with ForeFlight. Everything just syncs seamlessly and the way you update the information on the web site mirrors how you update it on the device.