
Well Known Member
Working on my elevator now. The wording on page 09-10 Step 2 makes it sound like some of the holes should already be dimpled. My tip ribs and root ribs do not have anything pre-dimpled. I did a search of the forum with the part number and it appears others have gotten this part partially dimpled. I’m thinking Vans may have missed a step on the ones they sent me.

I’ll call Vans on Monday and ask if I got an incomplete part. If not, how are you supposed to dimple the last two holes at the trailing edge of the E-903 and E-00906 ribs?



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I can’t find a photo in my blog about that part but from memory the last couple of holes on mine were already dimpled.

If yours are not, you could do as I did with my baby backriveting plate - you just drill a #40 hole in one corner clean through. Then countersink the hole so it’s the same diameter as a dimple. You could use anything you can cut a countersink in that is thinner than the gap between the flanges.

On the part, drop a rivet in the hole, make sure the rivet is extended into the hole in the plate and whack it with a hammer. The rivet will bend the flange into the countersink in your plate and make you a nice dimple.

Mine did not have any dimples, and yes I used the Cleaveland tool above. I also use the 0.401 from the c-frame or your rivet gun (but also available from Cleaveland) and a hammer for the male die.

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I did talk to Vans today and both of the parts should have come dimpled. They will be sending me replacement parts. I could go buy an additional tool, but at this point I don’t need another tool so I’ll wait in the new parts.

Thanks for all they help everyone.
Might not need it now but highly likely you will in the future. then you are stuck waiting on the mail. Also if you don't have a pop rivet dimpler that will come in handy a lot.
What the HEck...

I did talk to Vans today and both of the parts should have come dimpled. They will be sending me replacement parts. I could go buy an additional tool, but at this point I don’t need another tool so I’ll wait in the new parts.

Thanks for all they help everyone.

I received my -10 emp kit in June (same parts) and mine did not come dimpled :confused:
Tools... Any Excuse is a Good Excuse but seriously

The tool that you secure to the bench is one that I was given, didn't know what it was and now can't find.

My parts didn't come pre-dimpled and the plans didn't mention this (need to look again) so what did I do when the counter weight was resting proudly upon those rivets and interfering?

Put some tape on the weight and mount them using the bolts as guides and clamp to press the lead into the rivets making marks on the tape. Countersink the lead with a slightly oversized drill bit to accommodate the factory rivet head.

It's been a while (years?) but I remember this... I wondered what hazmat issues I encountered trimming and drilling those lead hunks. I did learn without doubt using cutting oil (my tool lube oil) on hacksaw blades works great when cutting lead! You can also slowly sand lead with 60 or 80 grit. Do this outside and wear gloves and a respirator... if your under 50.

PS Don't forget to drain the water out of your compressor tank a few times a year... ;-)

Dave from Maine
I will keep donating
“Don’t need another tool”, Heresy this is pure Heresy I say.

Lol, yup! Seriously though, you'll need a close quarters dimple tool in many places. At least buy the bench mounted female half so you can use the cframe's set and a hammer.
There is one hole in the center of the fuselage bottom skin that will require a pop rivet dimple die if you use a DRDT2 for all your dimpling.