
Well Known Member
I'm trying to finish riveting the bottom cowl side hinges on. The RV7 has a vertical down tube on the engine mount that interferes with access to the last 4 rivets at the bottom. Engine mount on, engine hung. How did you rivet the last 4 at the bottom without pulling the engine and mount? I've tried a homemade bucking bar but mine did not have enough mass to get the job done.
I'm not quite up to that stage yet, but would think that an MK319-BS would be the go, unless you're one of those must-have-solid-rivet kind of guys. I used to be one of those, but then realized there was often more risk of doing secondary damage trying to wedge home made bucking devices into awkward situations. Besides, there are entire aircraft built out of these blind rivet thingies, so they couldn't be that bad.
I'm trying to finish riveting the bottom cowl side hinges on. The RV7 has a vertical down tube on the engine mount that interferes with access to the last 4 rivets at the bottom. Engine mount on, engine hung. How did you rivet the last 4 at the bottom without pulling the engine and mount? I've tried a homemade bucking bar but mine did not have enough mass to get the job done.

Sometimes this works:
When the bucking bar that "fits" is too light, take another bucking bar and use it as a "backup" creating two bucking bars that act as a heavier bar.
Just pull the mount out of the way. Only takes a few minutes.

sorry guess my photobucket isn't up to the task anymore
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