
Active Member
Hello all
Just received my eaa ss data plate and was wondering how to engrave it? How did you do yours? Thanks Joe

I got mine done at some store at the mall. I think it is called "Things Remembered". Pretty sure they are at malls nationwide. They did a nice job.
Trophy Shop

I have one of those stainless steel plates which is not easy to engrave. A local trophy shop did mine for a very reasonable price. Had to do it over because my name didn't exactly match my registration paper. (John R Powell vs Powell, John R)The DAR said everything has to match exactly to satisfy the FAA. John
I had mine done at a trophy shop but a month later a buddy was refused because it was ss.
I stamped mine using sledge and steel letter stamp set. Wasted first plate. Won't do it again. Next to impossible to line numbers/letters up. Outsource to a shop.
The builder of my RV6 had a local trophy shop do the engraving. Only the bare essential fields were filled out. The unnecessary fields were left blank.
I bought the metal stamps but they were to big. Called all the trophy shops at the end of little leage season and they were all too busy. I had two plates so I decided I would engrave the first one myself and get the second done later when I had more time. I printed the right size text out in Microsoft Word then taped it on the plate for a guide. Engraved with a cheap engraver from Walmart. Practiced a lot before I did the plate. It doesnt look bad and my plane flys just fine. I think I will just keep it.
Laser cutter/engraver

I did mine on the laser cutter. With the right settings it does s great job. Custom icon, lettering how I wanted, etc.
I got mine done at some store at the mall. I think it is called "Things Remembered". Pretty sure they are at malls nationwide. They did a nice job.

I just remembered! I used Things Remembered too!

It was cheap and they did a great job!

I had to google and find the closest store though. Not the kind of place that we normally frequent... Being hetero and all! Lol

;) CJ
I stamped mine using sledge and steel letter stamp set. Wasted first plate. Won't do it again. Next to impossible to line numbers/letters up. Outsource to a shop.

adds character the way you did it
I just remembered! I used Things Remembered too!

It was cheap and they did a great job!

I had to google and find the closest store though. Not the kind of place that we normally frequent... Being hetero and all! Lol

;) CJ

Well I'll be dipped, I'm at this same point and it so happens I've got a Things Remembered store at the local mall too. Guess I'll be going to see them!