
Well Known Member
I'm having a hard time figuring out how to buck the rivets depicted in the red oval. Looking for some advice. Please keep in mind that this is a taildragger so there is a large bracket that goes right down the middle of the floor.



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I used a similar tungsten bar on my taildragger. I got an experienced riveter to buck while I had one hand on the gun and one on the set to make sure it stayed put...couldn?t have done it otherwise. Set the gun pressure around 40, did a couple of light hits to make absolutely sure we were both on it, and then quick burst to get them set. I think these were the toughest ones of all to do.
Thought I'd take a second and show my solution. It was ridiculously easy <smacks head>.

A $15 bucking bar from the Yard Store with a tungsten bar duct taped to it for mass. Plenty of room now that I have the correct angle.
