
Welp, been rocking along on the empennage. Been going well. Little hiccup with the HS-00003 doubler but got that figured out. Finished both horizontal stab halves to the disassemble, debur, and dimple stage. Realized last nigh while trying to sleep that I didn?t mark the skins for orientation! Everything has been match drilled. I?m not sure where to go from here. Any suggestions?

Thanks y?all.
HS skins

I believe they will go either side but if the first one doesn't fit quite right, try the other one.

Yeah, I?m hoping I?ll be able to figure out which one goes where and how. Just concerned if I can?t.

If it fits, no concern. I would be suprised if they don't fit swapped. Vans CNC is pretty accurate. I disassembled my HS and replaced all the rear spar components and inboard ribs. Everything fit like new.
This may be too obvious, but I'll state it anyways (because I didn't know when I started out)!
A sharpie brand magic marker will mark equally well on the blue vinyl or the aluminum it's self. I use it to mark the orientation of everything. I number the ribs. There are labels for inside/outside, top/bottom, left/right of the ribs,skins etc.
Shapie marks wipe off easily with almost any solvent. I use alcohol and a paper towel. It comes right off lickity split.
This may be too obvious, but I'll state it anyways (because I didn't know when I started out)!
A sharpie brand magic marker will mark equally well on the blue vinyl or the aluminum it's self. I use it to mark the orientation of everything. I number the ribs. There are labels for inside/outside, top/bottom, left/right of the ribs,skins etc.
Shapie marks wipe off easily with almost any solvent. I use alcohol and a paper towel. It comes right off lickity split.

Yup. I?ve got all the understucture marked. Just spaced on marking the skins. Haven?t had time to do any work / testing on orientation yet. Got some new tools that had to be set up.