
Well Known Member
Cross posting from the Houston RV Builders Yahoo group.....

The November Get Together is coming up and I said that I would host it.
The hanger is pretty well together now.

There are two options for lunch.
1. Grill hamburgers and hotdogs here.

2. Load up and go to McKensey's Bar-B-Que for their $5.00 burger/fries/drink combo or any BBQ you chose.

Let me know what you want to do and about how many will be coming.

For those driving in, find Conroe airport. Enter the airport. go to the first "T" intersection (at the Army Reserve base) and take a left. When you see a brown sign on the right side of the road, slow down. The turn is just past it. Come down to Hanger 41 (Tan with Red trim) on the right side of the taxiway.

For those flying in, If landing on 19, get off at Foxtrot. Taxi toward the Army Reserve gate. (generally a helicopter there). Take a right on Delta. At the end of the hangers, turn left on Echo. My place is the first on on the left. We will probably be parking on the taxiway across from my hanger.

See you on the 17th.

Larry Perryman
Everyone will start gathering between 11:00 and 11:30.

I just got this e-mail from Larry too.

OK here is the drill for this Saturday.

The only responses I received were for cooking here.

I have a grill and will supply tables and chairs. We need people to bring side dishes and chips. I have mustard, mayo and ketchup. I have the paper plates and silverware covered. I will go get lettuce, tomatoes and an onion.

Someone said that they would bring the burgers but I can not find the e-mail. We will need buns also. I have a bunch of hotdogs if you want something besides a burger. Anything else, bring it and we will toss it on the grill.

I have about 3 cases of soft drinks in the fridge. As well as a bunch of water. I have a coffee pot for those that want to drink coffee.


I need two people to speak up and bring buns. Two packs each.

Guess I will see you Saturday.


We (Phil & Sara) are on the hook for 2 pkgs of buns and baked beans.

Y'all have a good time - I'm going to be up at the Petit Jean camping fly-in this weekend....and I'm sorry I have to choose between the two, as I was looking forward to Larry's event. See ya' next month I guess.

Y'all have a good time - I'm going to be up at the Petit Jean camping fly-in this weekend....and I'm sorry I have to choose between the two, as I was looking forward to Larry's event. See ya' next month I guess.


One day, we're going to own an RV. Right now, we own a pile of aluminum.

I'm looking forward to those decisions!

Have a good time,