
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Louise and I volunteered to host the Houston RV Builders group for this month's gathering - let's say 1100 - 1400 at our place on the runway at Polly Ranch. The address is 2306 Butler Dr, 77546 for those driving in. If you are flying in, contact us in advance so we know - Polly is a narrow runway and we need to make sure that you have the required insurance and are comfortable with the procedures. If you've flown in before, you're already good.

We should have all three RV's (-3, -6, -8) available if you want to check things out. I am finishing up the canopy replacement on the -8, and have the old one around if anyone wants to practice drilling holes in Plexiglas, or talk
fiberglass. anything RV is up for discussion, and we have scrap around for
practice riveting, etc.

We'll have some burgers and maybe a few dogs - if you'd like to bring
sides/deserts/sodas, that'd be great.

Paul & Louise
Weather is looking great!

Hope to see a bunch of ya' tomorrow. Walk back to the hangar. Talk to either Paul or I if you plan to fly in.
Daryl, you coming? Seems like you are so close to being done building that you could fly in.:D

Paul and Louise, how did you get 110 hours on the baby bird so fast?? I have got to get out and fly more.
Paul and Louise, how did you get 110 hours on the baby bird so fast?? I have got to get out and fly more.

I put about 11 on going to Minneapolis and back - Louise then did about 25 round trip to SOCAL, NOCAL, and back. It adds up ( so long as you dont pay attention to fuel receipts)!:D