
Well Known Member

The third Saturday is upon us, so lets get together for lunch at our monthly RV luncheon. This Saturday we will meet at Hook's airport restaurant at 11:30 am. We had a real nice turn out last month. Good food and good friends. If any builder or flyers would like to show off their project/plane let me know. New and not so new builders are welcome.

Dave Syvertson
Mikey and I will try to make it. He'd like to show off his new, Garmin G3X-based panel! Hoping for good weather!
Seat available from C/S

If weather cooperates, I'll be flying down from CLL with a seat available. PM or email me if you're interested.
Hey Dave

Jim and I will be there. I have to hop a ride with him as my SL30 died and wont be back until Monday.

ARRRRRG.... this was going to be my first opportunity to fly into one of these and this had to happen. :mad:
Monthly Houston RV Lunch

Thanks to everyone who attended our lunch today. We had 11 people attend. Three RV's flew in - a 7a, 8 and 9a. All were very nice RV's. Also, attending a RV-10 builder, a RV-10 thinking about it, a RV-9A builder and a thinking about buying a flying RV. Five of the attendee's were first timers. Great group today. One of the first timers commented on just how many resources (experienced builders) there are in Houston for new builders.

There was a RV-10 builder who was visiting from Austin but did not attend our lunch. He came over and invited our group over to see the CAF B-17 at Hooks airport.

Louise missed you at lunch today and sorry about the alternator.

Our next meeting will be Saturday September 21st. Everyone is welcome.

Dave Syvertson
Hey Dave

Thanks for keeping these meetings alive!

And Louise I hope you can make one more before you end up moving into that beautiful house you have your project manager seeing to over at the West Coast airpark. Maybe he can even be in town for it. :D

Good to see we are getting some new builders in the group.
I was one of the first timers. Glad to finally make it and meet everyone. Hopefully my work schedule will let me make the next one too.

And Louise I hope you can make one more before you end up moving into that beautiful house you have your project manager seeing to over at the West Coast airpark. Maybe he can even be in town for it. :D

I suspect I'll make one or more between now and April. It is such a good trip. Not sure I can pry Paul out of the West now that's he's experienced life out there!