
Well Known Member

The third Saturday (November 16th) is upon us, so lets get together for lunch at our monthly RV luncheon. This Saturday we will meet at Hooks Airport at 11:30 am.

Our October get together was at Wings over Houston.

At our September meeting we had a good turn out for lunch. 11 people including 3 first timers. Good conversation that ranged from basic building questions to a forced helicopter landing on a container ship off Texas. Diverse and good group of people. We started lunch at 11:30 am and did not break up until 2 pm.

Marshall - RV-6 flying 15+ years
Chuck - RV-8 flying
Phil - RV-7 flying
Jim - RV-7A flying
Darrel - RV-7A flying
Dave - RV-10 building working on 2nd 90%
Peter - RV-10 building far along via 28 days on-off working in Korea
Dennis - RV-7A
Dale - RV-7A (first timer)
Dean and Donna - RV-7A (first timers)

After lunch Darrel and Jim walked us over to look at their planes.

Thanks for everyone who attended! The group is a great resource for anyone in the Houston area interested in RVs.

There is an EAA SportAir workshop in Houston on December 7 & 8.

Dave Syvertson
How do you feel about guests? I'll be in Houston Friday and Saturday, interviewing for a job with FlightAware. And of course, depending on how that goes, I might be relocating...

All welcome


Guests are more than welcome, the more the better. Hopefully the job interview goes well and you will become a regular.
Unfortunately I will miss the luncheon again this month as I'm still working on project in France. Hope to see everyone next month.
Chance to Hear About Houston

As Jim said all are welcome. Also, our group might be a good sounding board to you about Houston. Good luck on your interview.

Dave Syvertson
Sounds like a plan then. I see there's a restaurant (Aviator's Grill) on the airport, would I be correct in guessing that that's the location?

Definitely looking forward to meeting some interstate RVers. I won't be able to hang around too long though...my flight back to ATL departs IAH at 3:00. But the sounding board will be nice. I interview on Friday, and I'm planning on scouting some potential homes Saturday morning.
Houston RV Monthly Lunch

Just a reminder. We are having lunch at Aviator's Grill at Hooks Airport. All are welcome for good conversation, builders tips, motivation and good food.

See you all Saturday at 11:30.

Dave Syvertson
See you guys there. I just got checked into the hotel after my interview. The CTO already texted me and said to expect a formal offer on Monday.

It would appear that this move is happening... :eek:
Houston RV Monthly Lunch

Had a good lunch today. 12 people showed up.

RV-10's - Dave, Peter and Tim (all builders)
RV-9's - Steve (flying)
RV-8 - Chuck (flying)
RV-6/7s - Tim, Dan (and wife), Bjorn, Phillip, Dennis (hopefully soon to be a Texan) and one other (all builders)

If I missed anyone let me know.

Thanks to everyone who came for lunch.

For December's get together, I will be out of town. If someone else would like to arrange the lunch feel free.

Hope to see some more builders at the Sportair workshop in December.

Dave Syvertson
Dave, Bjorn, Dan, Peter, Steve, and everyone else whose names escaped me - it was great meeting you all. I am pleased to report that I received my offer today, and it's quite nice. As such, you will all be seeing a lot more of me in the very near future.

Welcome to Houston


As I mentioned, the website for real estate in Houston is www.HAR.com.

Good luch and PM me if you have any questions.

Dave Syvertson

As I mentioned, the website for real estate in Houston is www.HAR.com.

Good luch and PM me if you have any questions.

Dave Syvertson

Thanks. I've been burning their site up ever since you told me about it on Saturday. I think we're going to come back down this weekend and look at some places. Suddenly the next month or so of my life is looking veeeerrry busy...
Congratulations Philip! Sorry I missed meeting you in person - I was up in San Marcos visiting the kid. See you next time. Welcome to Houston!