
Well Known Member
Now that the time to order my fuselage kit is fast approaching, and seeing as how I want to build a taildragger, I figure I should probably actually go fly a tailwheel before I commit to building one...so yeah, it's time to do my tailwheel.

I hear lots of people talk about Texas Taildraggers down at AXH, but I've called twice, left one voicemail, and sent an email for good measure, and I have yet to hear anything back. I haven't heard anything about Joy being out of business, but I dunno...

Any other suggestions? Keep in mind that I'm a big dude and thus training in, say, a Cub isn't happening. A Citabria is possible, but likely marginal. Anson at SGR has a Citabria (though even one of their instructors suggested there were better places to go for the endorsement), as does the Bay Area Aero Club (which I'm considering joining).

I'd like to go with Texas Taildraggers, but it seems prudent to start figuring up some Plan Bs and so forth since TT doesn't seem to be panning out.

Edit: Also, to clarify, I'm on the west side of town, just inside the beltway. I know there's also Harvey-Rihn at La Porte, but that's a bit of a haul...
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Bruce Bohannon down near Angleton is a great option for stick & rudder Tailwheel training. Very effificent at his field where the pattern can be s small as he wants to make it.
