
Well Known Member

The third Saturday (September 21st) is upon us, so lets get together for lunch at our monthly RV luncheon. This Saturday we will meet at Carl's BBQ for some good BBQ. Nothing will get you more motivated to finish your plane than our RV get together and some good Texas BBQ. Carl's is located at Weiser Field on HWY 290 frontage road between Telge and Huffmeister.

At our last lunch, we had 11 people attend. Three RV's flew in - a 7a, 8 and 9a. All were very nice RV's. Also, attending a RV-10 builder, a RV-10 thinking about it, a RV-9A builder and a thinking about buying a flying RV. Five of the attendee's were first timers. Great group today. One of the first timers commented on just how many resources (experienced builders) there are in Houston for new builders.

I have had a request to have a lunch in the southern portion of Houston, so our October lunch will be on the 26th to coincide with Wings Over Houston. Tentatively, we will meet at Pearland airport and then have lunch at a nearby restraunt. From there people can attend Wings over Houston if they wish.

Dave Syvertson
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Ah, the stars are finally aligned. Donna and I will be there. Looking forward to meeting the group and comparing notes with fellow Houston area builders. We'll be driving up from Clear Lake early. What time do people usually arrive?
Houston RV Lunch Time


Great to hear you will be attending. We meet at 11:30 am.

Dave Syvertson
Good Turnout for Lunch

The Houston area RV group had a good turn out for lunch. 11 people including 3 first timers. Good conversation that ranged from basic building questions to a forced helicopter landing on a container ship off Texas. Diverse and good group of people. We started lunch at 11:30 am and did not break up until 2 pm.

Marshall - RV-6 flying 15+ years
Chuck - RV-8 flying
Phil - RV-7 flying
Jim - RV-7A flying
Darrel - RV-7A flying
Dave - RV-10 building working on 2nd 90%
Peter - RV-10 building far along via 28 days on-off working in Korea
Dennis - RV-7A
Dale - RV-7A (first timer)
Dean and Donna - RV-7A (first timers)

After lunch Darrel and Jim walked us over to look at their planes.

Thanks for everyone who attended! The group is a great resource for anyone in the Houston area interested in RVs. Hope to see everyone next month and also new faces. We plan to meet somewhere close to Ellington field for lunch and those who want to attend Wings over Houston can go to that also.

Dave Syvertson
Yes Dave great job! We keep getting bigger. Nice to see as we know there are more builders out there lurking! Just need to make them aware.

You have a great idea about going to the Sportair Workshop to let them know as well.

Somehow we need to get email addresses of new builders to be able to communicate with them.