
Well Known Member
The third Saturday (April 19th) is upon us, so lets get together for lunch at our monthly RV luncheon. This Saturday we will meet at Carl's BBQ for some good BBQ. Carl's is located at Weiser Airpark on HWY 290 frontage road between Telge and Huffmeister in the NW part of Houston. We meet at 11:30 am.

Good spring weather should bring a good turnout.

Hope to see CBRpilot85 there this month!

Dave Syvertson

Third Saturday of Every Month at 11:30 am (or TBD)

Group of Van?s RV builders, wannabes and flyers that get together monthly for lunch. Typically meets at or near airports in the area. Builder visits or flying RV visits are common. Great resource for builder tips, motivation and advice. Generally there is about 10 to 15 attendees for the lunch. Over 30 people in group. No membership fees! No volunteer requests! No officers! Just show up! Lively and wide ranging conversation.

Everyone is welcome! Out of town visitors are also welcome!

Some of the attendees in the past year.

1. Phil P. ? RV-10 building
2. Bryan J. (Lopass) ? RV-8
3. Chuck M ? RV-8 flying
4. Marshall D ? RV-6 flying
5. Chuck M. - RV-8 flying
6. Phil B - RV-7 flying
7. Jim K. - RV-7A flying
8. Daryl T. - RV-7A flying
9. Dave S. - RV-10 building working on 2nd 90%
10. Peter - RV-10 building far along via 28 days on-off working in Korea
11. Dennis - RV-7A (builder)
12. Dale - RV-7A (first timer)
13. Dean and Donna - RV-7A (first timers)
14. Steve ? RV-9
15. Tim ? RV-10 builder
16. Dan S ? RV-7 builder
17. William S. ? RV-8
18. Louise H ? RV-6 & RV-3
19. Jay ? RV-9A
20. Mike D ? RV-6a flying
21. Bjorn N. ? RV-7 (builder)
22. Phillip C. ? Recent Texan
23. Ernie B. ? Eagles Nest
24. Larry P. ? Builders Assist
25. Rich G. ? RV-12 (builder)
26. Bruce M. ? RV-7 (builder)
Others on Yahoo Mail List
27. Greg Y ? Illini Grad
28. Bill G ? RV-10
29. Carl M
30. Carl E - Wharton
31. Greg F
32. Jim M
33. Warren M ? RV-4
34. Shannon H ? RV-10
35. Omar S
Houston RV Builders Lunch

For those who are in Houston visiting relatives this weekend, our lunch on Saturday might be a good break. All are welcome.

Dave Syvertson
Whose in?

Hey, folks. Dave is doing a great job of organizing these gatherings but the drive is long and I'm wondering if folks are going to make it tomorrow given the holiday/family weekend. I'd love to know there's a critical mass planning on being there. Whose in?
Hey guys, it's a special day for Louise tomorrow - the day she becomes eligible for retirement - and I can't be there - so hope some of the old Houston gang can make it and she can be with friends!

Carls BBQ

I'll be there, the plane is in the hanger undergoing a condition inspection so just walking across. See you all tomorrow.
Louise, Congrats at reaching the magical date, now you can plan to head west to your new home with Paul.
Well shoot, I went and scheduled a training flight for tomorrow afternoon, forgetting what weekend it was. So I'll have to miss this one...catch you all again in May, I suppose.
I am in


I will be definitely be there. There are a few regulars that show up almost without fail and then more that are periodic. However, I can't make any promises. If you attend, I will bring a retirement cake to celebrate. It would be nice to have a sendoff (although it is up to you).

Louise and Paul have had our group over to their home many times.

Dave Syvertson
I'll be there

Too nice of day to stay couped up in the condo so that means a road trip is in order. Hope I can find a shady spot to park as I'll have our new-to-us Alaskan Klee Kai with me. See you soon.
Nice Turnout

We had 9 who attend our monthly lunch. Good conversation and weather today so we sat outside which is not always the case in Houston. Celebrated Louise's retirement with some cake after some good Texas BBQ. Good luck and enjoy your retirement (or next phase).

1. Chuck M. ? RV-8 flying
2. Marshall D. ? RV-6 flying
3. Jim K. - RV-7A flying
4. Daryl T. - RV-7A flying
5. Dave S. - RV-10 building working on 2nd 90%
6. Peter L. - RV-10 building far along via 28 days on-off working in Korea
7. Louise H ? RV-6 & RV-3
8. Bjorn N. ? RV-7 (builder)
9. Ron N. ? RV-10 (builder) - First Time

Thanks to everyone

Dave Syvertson
Well, I missed lunch, but I got my complex endorsement today, so it wasn't all bad. See you all in May!
Good time!

Thanks, Dave, for the cake and the fine gathering. You even arranged for wonderful weather! Good time.