
Well Known Member
First, let's start with some admin stuff. I know I did a poor job of keeping these lunches happening regularly last year, and this year I'm resolving to do better. Part of that is going to involve trying to get the word out more effectively, ie not just posting here on VAF. I'm already planning on cross-posting to a couple of Facebook groups (the VAF one and the Houston area aviators one), and I'm interested in other venue suggestions. I believe there was talk of their being a Yahoo group as well, but I haven't been able to find anything on that so far.

Edit: Nevermind, I did find the Yahoo group after spending a bit more than 30 seconds looking: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/HoustonRVBuilders/info

So that's point #1 - please let me know of other spots I can promote these lunches. I'd like to get some more interest going on for these.

Now, on the the details of this month - let's plan on doing some BBQ at Weiser. Meet at Carl's at 11:30, this Saturday, the 20th. Hope to see lots of faces there!
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