
Well Known Member
Four months in a row! I'm on a roll! Even better, this time I can actually not avoid eye contact when someone asks how my RV-8 is going!

Let's do it again; this time I guess we'll go back to Hooks again. Lunch at the Aviators Grill, 11:30 as usual, this Saturday (4/21).

By the way, I'm open to suggestions about other venues for these lunches. I've just been doing the Weiser-Hooks dance since that was how it seemed to work in the past, but some variety could be useful.

Thanks for setting this up. However I will not be able to attend this month as I had foot surgery 2 weeks ago and am relatively immobile right now.

Philip, thanks for the persistence in setting these up! I plan to be there this Saturday.

Dave, here's hoping you heal up quickly. I had back surgery myself four weeks ago.

Random aside: I ordered wingtip + tail light kits from FlyLEDs, they came in a few days ago. If anyone's interested in getting a look at them, I can bring them with me.
