
Well Known Member
Looks like the last time we did this was back in November at Carl's, so let's make it Hooks this time around. Let's get some B-52 burgers at the Aviator's Grill this Saturday at 11:30.

I need to talk to you guys and get motivated again, I've been back from vacation for a couple weeks now and still haven't gotten back to work yet...
I'm in.

Just started the fuselage last week, got the wings placed in the cradle and tore down the wingstand.
February Lunch Meeting?

I'm about to start building an RV-10 (kits ordered), and so would like to join the monthly lunch group. Is there a meeting planned for this month?

We try to do them every month, and generally we rotate between Hooks and Weiser, so this month it'll be Weiser. In fact, I think I'll go ahead and make the thread.

Dave Syvertson recently finished his -10; if he makes it, you could probably pick his brain pretty thoroughly. I think he might be keeping his plane at SGR if I recall correctly.