Tom Maxwell

Well Known Member
If you are in need of rain in your area, just ask Jeff Gross to schedule a Builder Motivation Day for you. ;) Seriously, Jeff scheduled and rescheduled this day at least 6 times (OK my wife says 4 but it seems like more) over the past 3 months. Each time, the Houston weather elected not to cooperate and the plans had to be postponed. We were all beginning to wonder if we would ever get the event in as planned. But Jeff wouldn't let the idea fade.

The idea of a "Builder Motivation Day" (Here-in referred to as BMD) is Jeff's brain child. He came up with the idea because of his own experience as a new builder. Looking back on his experience, Jeff explains that he never got to ride in an RV during his building days. He thought, "What a great motivation tool it would be if we could arrange a scheduled event during which willing builders with flying RVs could give potential builders, non-flying builders, and spouses a ride in an RV."

At a previous Houston area builders luncheon, Jeff floated the idea. The flying builders were excited to be able to participate. Needless to say, the non-flying builders and potential builders were very excited with the idea. All that remained was to make the idea become reality.

On Saturday 4/15, Jeff's idea became reality. Flyers and builders converged on Montgomery County airport, also known as Lone Star Executive Airport or CXO, for a day of flying and motivation. Like previously scheduled days, the weather didn't look like it would cooperate. Although the entire week prior was filled with blue skys, calm winds, and moderate temperatures, early morning fog, low ceilings and moderate winds threatened the day. Improving forcasts prompted a "Go" decision with the understanding that scheduled flight times would slip and everyone would need to "be flexible" to the weather, individual capablilities, and personal minimums. Sky conditions did improve throughout the day but the wind persisted at 16-18 knots with gusts to 25. Luckily it blew pretty much straight down runway 14 which lessened the impact and allowed BMD to be a success.

Present were a variety of aircraft. Jeff Gross provided his RV8A (scheduled to be painted later this month), Larry Perryman provided his Subaru powered RV9A, Phil Birkelbach volunteered his RV7, Jerry White brought his fixed pitch RV6A to the party, and Walter Jazun volunteered his RV6. Everyone in attendance are very grateful to these gentlemen for volunteering their time and aircraft to help motivate the rest of us to "Get er done." You guys are the best and have done a great deal to rekindle the fire in the rest of us!

Special thanks are extended to Larry Perryman who volunteered his hanger for the potluck lunch and for his extreme generousity in helping out any and all builders who ask. I want to personally extend my thanks to Jerry White for giving my wife, Connie, her very first RV ride. She was very excited upon her return and commented, "It was a little bumpy until we got on top of the clouds. Then it was so cool to see the clouds below us like little cotton balls." I see some bucking in her near future! And of course we all thank Jeff for coming up with the idea and not letting it fade away with the numerous setbacks encountered. His beautiful wife Diana could not make it as she stayed at home to prepare for visitors. We missed her and we are very grateful to her for letting Jeff have the morning off. We wish Diana could have attended.

The day was great and good times were had by all. There was plenty of good food and many were ready to take a nap following the fiest. We all left a little more excited about our own projects and ready to take on the next obstacle we encounter.

I feel fortunate to live in the Houston area where so many knowledgeable and generous builders are located. I always feel comfortable asking my stupid questions and I always receive patience and in depth answers in return. If you are a flying builder, why not consider organizing a BMD of your own. Who knows, you might just help a fellow RV'r over the hump that has him/her hung up or you might just inspire the next RV'r to get started.

CXO will be having their general flyin and classic car show next Saturday 4/22. Why not make it a point to fly or drive in and have a good time.

If you are interested in looking at some pictures from the first Houston BMD, you may do so at the following link.

BMD Pictures Here

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Wish I could have made it!

I really wanted to be there for you guys with my -8, but I'm up in Minnesota for the Easter weekend - up Friday in less than six hours, and flying back tomorrow! You want motivation? The old saying "It's a big country - you need a fast plane!" sure fits! :D

Not a problem

Ironflight said:
I really wanted to be there for you guys with my -8, but I'm up in Minnesota for the Easter weekend - up Friday in less than six hours, and flying back tomorrow! You want motivation? The old saying "It's a big country - you need a fast plane!" sure fits! :D


We missed you and know you would have been there if you could have been. Planes are great, but family comes first. There will be other opportunities and we know you will be there. Be careful on your flight back!
It would seem there are enough RV's and builders around Socal to make this happen here too... it's a great idea IMHO.
RV Builders Groups

Active EAA groups are great but don't stop there. If there is not a builders group in your area then consider starting one. The Houston group meets once a month on either the North, West, or South side of Houston. That way it is not a major drive for anyone at least once in a while.

Just meeting with others that are interested in building or have already started building is fun. Pass on a tip or idea, great! Lend a helping hand - even better. Just knowing that there is someone out there who has been where you are is a help.

The contacts are great. Need a hand hanging an engine? Just ask and several folks show up to help. Got a question? Ask and get a half dozen points of view.

As Nike says "Just Do It".

Larry Perryman
Thanks for the air time.

I attended the event for a short time with my 10 year old. He wasn't interested. WHAT"S Up WITH THAT?

Seriously. Thanks to Jeff and Larry for answering all my questions and the seat time.

Good Stuff. Wouldn't even let me kick in gas money.

Thanks everyone!

Thanks for the nice write-up and pictures Tom. That was truly a great day. Although I had been in an RV before (John Stewart?s ?other? beautiful plane, the -6A), the first time in an -8/8A was my first flight. I was really surprised when some in the group were building and had never even sat in one!

I really appreciate everyone?s patience and especially all the pilots... Phil, Larry, Eduardo, and Jerry (sorry I didn't get to meet you Jerry!). It sounded like everyone had a great time, of course any day you?re flying an RV is a great day, and several people expressed interest in making it an annual event. Hopefully it will continue on, we?ll just try to schedule it for a better weather season next time.

Oh, and for those counting Connie was right. It finally happened after the fourth reschedule.

You are very welcome Jeff but all of the work was done by you and the willing pilots. We are very grateful to all of you.

A couple of corrections.

It was runway 19 not 14. I guess I heard "back taxiing on 14" so much I just had 14 on the brain.

Also my apologies to Jerry White whose name is actuall spelled with a G - as in Gerry White. Sorry for the mistake Gerry. I am still very appreciative of the long flight you gave to my wife.