
Well Known Member
I was just wondering how many hours you folks that have finished your
RV-12's have on your Hobbs since you started flying. So far I have only 18 hours due to the fact I had my plane painted which took about a month and then followed by some less than favorable weather in FL.

I also received my TAX BILL from the state of FLORIDA and Sarasota County. For the amount of money I was charged, I should be at least guaranteed perfect flying weather 365 days a year. I still feel fortunate to be flying in the USA and FL ... and it's true ... there's no such thing as a free lunch.

Any RVators who are also on Facebook, I've a favor to ask. My four year old grandson is trying to win an ipad at a restaurant in NC. There's a picture of him holding up a piece of crispy bacon ... CLICK HERE to vote ... you can vote once every 24 hours till 10/2/2011. Thanks!
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I have about 210 hours.

I think John Bender just hit 300 hours this am.

Brad S. Has 200 hours.

Interesting day. I bribed John Bender into going to a fly in at Spencer, Iowa. 4 RV-12s showed up. Now if Marty Santic could have gotten off his cooking duties (BBQ) we could have had 5!
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The weather was perfect in Florida! :D (when we came back in the Netherlands it was raining and 53F)
Thank you very much for your time showing the plane, very nice paintjob!

Jerry G. I was going to vote until I found I had to do the facebook thing. Sorry, but most of my family is on it and that was enough to keep me from ever going there.

For you fliers who already have 200 to 300 hours what do you do- live in the 12? I'm retired and have only 78 hrs in a year. (I'm working on it tho).
Dick Seiders
Hey Dick - -

Today I put on 3.7 hours flying about 410 miles. Do that a couple times a week, and it adds up. I have good heat, and fly in the winter also.

John Bender

250 here. Nothing better in the summer than taking off in sweltering heat and climbing higher and higher till the OAT reads in the 70's...something we don't see on the ground for several months in a row. Just installed the new Rotax fuel pump. For the first time ever my fuel flow is rock solid as are my pressures. Did have some initial problems with the pressure readings but nothing hitting that cheap sender with a hammer a few times couldn't fix. The spring in the pump is definitely stronger and the pressure higher...more like high 4's instead of mid 4's. Not convinced of the sender accuracy...will probably go to a mechanical one of these conditionals like Mark did.
I have about 210 hours.

I think John Bender just hit 300 hours this am.

Brad S. Has 200 hours.

Interesting day. I bribed John Bender into going to a fly in at Spencer, Iowa. 4 RV-12s showed up. Now if Marty Santic could have gotten off his cooking duties (BBQ) we could have had 5!

Hey Larry. That flyin was in Sheldon IA. instead of Spencer.
Hey Larry. That flyin was in Sheldon IA. instead of Spencer.

Spencer - Sheldon, it's all Hawkeye country and smelled like pig farms. :eek:

Go Big Red!


Seriously, Sheldon held a very nice local fly in. Well organized, huge local crowd, great ground crew, even an air traffic controller. Well done Sheldon, IA! See ya next year!
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94 hours here...flying since June 2010. Fuel pressure sensor replaced once, (oh, and the loose engine bolt issue), otherwise troublefree :D.

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I was just wondering how many hours you folks that have finished your
RV-12's have on your Hobbs since you started flying. So far I have only 18 hours due to the fact I had my plane painted which took about a month and then followed by some less than favorable weather in FL.

I also received my TAX BILL from the state of FLORIDA and Sarasota County. For the amount of money I was charged, I should be at least guaranteed perfect flying weather 365 days a year. I still feel fortunate to be flying in the USA and FL ... and it's true ... there's no such thing as a free lunch.

Any RVators who are also on Facebook, I've a favor to ask. My four year old grandson is trying to win an ipad at a restaurant in NC. There's a picture of him holding up a piece of crispy bacon ... CLICK HERE to vote ... you can vote once every 24 hours till 10/2/2011. Thanks!

Jerry, I am building an RV12 in Florida and have been concerned about the tax hit. Would you please respond with details?

Lonnie #120512
Hey Lonnie, in Georgia it's about 1% of the value. I am sure it varies from state to state, but probably not that much.
Dick Seiders
John Bender, I get it now. You must be in the fuel business. I don't know if I have ever flown 3.7 hrs in one week unless flying to Oshkosh.
Dick Seiders
1 % ... I wish ...

My tax bill is 6% of kit cost for Tallahassee plus $50.00 for Sarasota County.

Still need votes for grandson for those of you on Facebook ... look for the four year old holding up a piece of bacon. You can vote every 24 hours thru 10/2/2011.
Please CLICK HERE ... and thanks again. :D
Hey Dick - -

Marty Santic and I flew to Galesburg, Ill. today for their week long STEARMAN Convention. We really enjoyed the day. 131 miles one way for me. 2.3 hours logged again today. Yes, the wife has to give me advances on my allowance often lately ! ! !

John Bender
one time tax ...

That tax bill is one time ... not yearly ... but it still stings!

I still have only 18 hours on my Hobbs ... waiting for some really good weather here in FL. My wife won't fly with me until I have 40 hours.

Thanks to all you RVators who are able to vote for my grandson. He's pretty excited!
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FL is basically a sales tax bill...

on cost of airplane parts purchased. If you alread paid sales tax, I don't believe you owe anything. If someone gifted you parts of your plane, I don't believe you owe sales tax on the gift either. Otherwise its 6% state plus whatever local sales tax rate is. (often 0.5%). At least thats what the tax office told me a few years ago. YMMV.
...and a bit more about FL tax

The sales tax (or if bringing in an aircraft for which previous sales tax has not been paid, it's called a use tax) for Florida is: 1% (for almost all FL counties) on the first $5,000 of value plus 6% on the full amount - thus, that $50 addition. What triggers the assessment - regardless of what stage your project is in - is applying for a/c registration. Just as with boats getting federal documentation, the federal agencies communicate an application for registration with the state indicated on the application.

Based on several helpful, lengthy conversations with the department in Tallahassee that handles aircraft sales/use tax, it appears you can 'adjust' your tax payment due date in one of the following ways:
-- delay federal registration until the project is ready to begin life as a plane, at which point they would expect full tax payment based on the receipts you provide
-- submit sales tax on each kit as it's received, which spreads out the tax bite; however, be ready to later prove that the registration you applied for is associated with the tax payments you've been making in stages
-- apply for registration well before the project is nearing life as an aircraft and, when then receiving the tax bill, correspond with them to point out they wish to tax an aircraft whereas yours isn't one yet; expect periodic updates being needed until the tax is paid

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