
Well Known Member
The SkyView manual shows you can select the dedicated Display menu button then select the swap function to change pilot/copilot displays. Is there a way to set up the display so that the swap button can be accessed without having to select the display menu first? ie, adding the swap function button to top row on the main display page layout so this is a one step action instead of a 2 step action as you are normally using the displays during flight?

Same question for the G3X. In a dual display set up, can you swap between pilot/copilot displays with a single step instead of 2 or more actions?
G3X swap

As I understand the G3X GDU4XX, there can be 1-3 PFD and 1-3 MFD displays.
On page 859 in the IM you can find the optional discrete inputs that are available. It seems that it is not possible to swap between a PFD to a MFD.
The MFD is hardwired.
However the display of the flight and engine instruments can be swaped from pilots PFD to copilot MFD with a touch of one button.

Good luck
to answer my own question

I was able to contact Garmin and Dynon tech support today. Garmins are jumper set in the back of the display so that this is never possible for the display to be used like I'd like it to be. They force you to set the PFD to just one of the displays and never allow the PFD and be swapped out from it once set.

Dynon can we swap pilot/copilot displays, we know that from the manual, but tech support confirmed you can't mod the Home Screen to have a hot button to swap immediately and thus avoiding a 2 button push operation but they are jotting the idea down as something to consider, so they said.
I use the Dynon SWAP button frequently with 10” T and 7”.
It’s very simple and fits in my use of the screens the way I fly. Until u fly using the system, I think u are trying to simplify something that doesn’t need to be.
My $.02.
Regarding the Garmin; I know it's not truly the same thing as completely swapping them, but the G3X has a revisionary mode that will duplicate both screens into a hybrid pfd/mfd.

It's supposed to be there in case one screen tanks, but I use it sometimes when I'm instructing in a G1000.

In the G1000 there's a big red button on the panel for it. On the G3X it's automatic in the case of a screen failure, so if you want to have manual control over it, you have to add your own switch to the panel.
In the G1000 there's a big red button on the panel for it. On the G3X it's automatic in the case of a screen failure, so if you want to have manual control over it, you have to add your own switch to the panel.

FYI, the use of an optional forced reversion switch is documented in section 26.4.6 of the current G3X installation manual (revision AP).