looking for a hot start procedure to use with an experiment LyCon IO-360 that has a lightspeed and standard mag along with an airflow research injection system. That in advance for the help.
Mixture in ICO cutoff, throttle cracked. Crank until it coughs and fires then mixture in.
Mixture in ICO cutoff, throttle cracked. Crank until it coughs and fires then mixture in.

I too use this method. However, when feeding in the mixture I have do it insanely slow (3-5 seconds) or the engine will quit. Even then it many times won’t keep going. On the second attempt it always fires.
I use a different technique as I find the engine will not fire if it is just cranked without doing something to add fuel.

Throttle about 1/4" open, crank, after a couple of seconds start moving the mixture forward slowly until the engine fires. If the mixture gets all the way in without the engine firing (doesn't happen for me), wait 2 seconds and stop cranking.

Throttle open, mixture ICO, pump on, mixture rich for 1 second, pump off.
Throttle 1/4", wait 10s, crank, feed in mixture.

If that doesn't work, flood engine (prime for 3 or 4 seconds), wait 10s, throttle wide open, crank, when engine fires throttle back quickly then push in mixture.

I can't remember the last time method 1 didn't work. Independent of ignition type.
More too it than that!

Don’t forget to purse your lips, squint, and wiggle your left toes and right pinky simultaneously. And a quick prayer for ignition.
This and most of the above techniques will get you going most every time.

Mixture in ICO cutoff, throttle cracked. Crank until it coughs and fires then mixture in.
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Bill, all successful hot start methods are based on a simple concept. If you understand the concept, you'll develop your own favorite methods.

The engine will fire when a cylinder contains a mixture that is within a fairly narrow fuel/air range. So, the goal is to sweep the mixture through that range during the start process, either by beginning in a lean condition and moving toward rich, or beginning in a rich condition and moving toward lean. Either way, when you hit the sweet spot, it will light.

Think about how to sweep rich to lean and lean to rich. If it fails to catch on a lean to rich try, the engine is left in a rich condition. Next move is a rich to lean sweep.
I too use this method. However, when feeding in the mixture I have do it insanely slow (3-5 seconds) or the engine will quit. Even then it many times won’t keep going. On the second attempt it always fires.

If it fires, then starts to die, just flick the boost pump on again for a few seconds to keep the fuel up to it and it should pick up again.

RV-7 IO-360M1B
I appreciate all of the input. I will be ferrying my new ride next week and want to make sure I have a procedure available. Flown behind big bore Continentals for the last 25 years and the procedure is different.