
Just about to prime all of the ribs and assemble the horizontal stabilizer :) I want to double check if I should adjust the flange angles of the ribs, such that they are perpendicular to the web? The only reference made to the ribs is that they should be fluted so that the holes are aligned and it makes no reference to ensuring the flanges are perpendicular. In the manual it says that flanges should be bent perpendicular such that the skin is flush with the rib; however I've read the many flanges are already at the correct angle (a slight angle) in order to account for the taper of the skin. Is this the case with these ribs? Thanks!
The RV-14 horizontal stabilizer is constant cord (no taper) so the rib flanges should all be 90 degrees.
The vertical stab. does taper so it’s rib flanges are not 90 degrees.