
I'm New Here
Hi everyone, first time poster here. I started my build last month and am just riveting my horizontal stabilizer this past week. I just put on the rear spar assembly and am running into my first big issue (besides ruining 2 ribs :) ).

When attaching it, the first side, as in top or bottom, that I cleco fits perfect. No issues at all. When I flip to cleco the other side, every hole is misaligned slightly to the side.

There isn't really anything I can do to force it to the side, and I really don't want to ream the holes. I've also tried flipping the rear spar thinking I mislabeled the left and right, but the issue remains and rib attachment points no longer fit perfectly.

Anyone have any advice?? Thanks!!


Hi everyone, first time poster here. I started my build last month and am just riveting my horizontal stabilizer this past week. I just put on the rear spar assembly and am running into my first big issue (besides ruining 2 ribs :) ).

When attaching it, the first side, as in top or bottom, that I cleco fits perfect. No issues at all. When I flip to cleco the other side, every hole is misaligned slightly to the side.

There isn't really anything I can do to force it to the side, and I really don't want to ream the holes. I've also tried flipping the rear spar thinking I mislabeled the left and right, but the issue remains and rib attachment points no longer fit perfectly.

Anyone have any advice?? Thanks!!


Usually something is installed out of place. Double check every part and orientation. Unless it's like 1/2 a hole. That's usually a little adjustment. Disassemble and cleko again starting center and working out. Hope that helps.
Still having some issues in fitting it together, although I am getting a slight bit closer. It isn't a half hole, but at its worst it is almost 1/4 hole.

All ribs are definitely correctly oriented, and everything else fit stellar until this point. I'm wondering if maybe something about the stab is twisted slightly. Maybe if I load the ends a bit in one direction or another?

That sounds like a bad idea though, riveting with some load in the structure, introducing lots of stress?
Call Vans tech support. It isn't the first time the holes are misaligned on a part. I had a couple of mis-drilled holes on my wing spar carry-through so call Vans to confirm.

Why don't you post some pictures so we know what you are referring to.
I've attached pictures here, but if this doesn't work I'll post in imgur or something. Three pictures, first is general view of the skin and spar. Second is top hole you can see aligns fine. Third is the bottom side where either the spare needs to move left, or skin needs to move right.

Going to give tech support a call in 20 mins!!


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Just spoke with them and they recommended taking an awl or other implement to force the skin holes in alignment (without bending the skin of course). They think it is probably a twist in my substructure. Going to try this out and report back..
Hole alignment

Just spoke with them and they recommended taking an awl or other implement to force the skin holes in alignment (without bending the skin of course). They think it is probably a twist in my substructure. Going to try this out and report back..

Yep. That's not much. A pick should pull things into alignment. Not the first time so find a pick you like.
Can you zoom in on those rear spar dimples and check them for cracks? It's probably just the photo?
Did the parts ever go together properly before dimpling etc?
I see it’s an RV8. I’m not sure whether they are final size holes these days or not?

I had an RV10 HS rear spar that had clearly shifted in the punching machine. They are too long to fit in one go so the punch half the holes then spin it around.
The result is that say half the holes all fit perfectly by then every hole from there on is out by some amount. About .020 in my case. Not that much but enough to prevent assembly.
Could be a similar issue although the 8 spar is a lot shorter.
Vans replaced the spar no questions asked.
Nzrv8, you scared me quite a bit! Looking at the photos they di look like cracks. Inspecting closely with a flashlight shows they are just marks from the clecos trying to align the skin, mostly in the primer, a little in the aluminum. Shouldn't be anything to worry about but I'll keep watch on this. Some of them will get reamed out.

Richard, yes they did when I first match drilled. That is what is making vans think it is a twist in the substructure. Luckily it isn't show stopping, just makes my life a bit harder.
Keep in mind the clecos do not align the holes perfectly, Their diameter is smaller than the drilled hole. During final assembly if you place a rivet in a few random holes before you add the clecos it will help out with alignment.
Sorry didn’t mean to scare you, I know photos can often change how things look. Sounds like you’re good.