
Well Known Member
I think I made my first potentially expensive mistake...

Not sure how to post pictures, but I'll see if I can explain.

Short version. I get fore and aft confused on the rear spar, and put the countersunk rivets on the wrong side.

Fortunately I have just clekoed in the rear spar, no rivets yet.

Can I fix this? Or am I looking at replacing the rear spar and doubler paint? Even if I drill out the four rivets that are in backwards I would wind up with countersink holes on both sides..

Guess I'll call Vans on Monday.



If it's the HS-911 bracket, I did the same thing many years ago. Vans had me drill out the rivets and countersink the correct side. It just a double flush setup. Was told to "build on!".
Same here, did one the wrong way before catching my mistake. Got the same advice to countersink the proper side as well and make it 'double-flush'. That spar should be thick enough so as not to be a problem. Check with Vans but I'm betting that will be your answer.

After putting a couple rivets in the VS where the plans say 'leave open for fairing attachment', I now force myself to stare at the plans before starting every riveting job...

Thanks for the replies!

I did what you suggested with the rivets this afternoon. I'll double check with VANS on Monday before I rivet the spar onto the HS, but hopefully they say build on :).

I spent most of the afternoon working on the Vertical Stabilizer.

I ran into a couple things on that as well.

I bought this kit second hand, and it had been in storage for a number of years as near as I can tell.

The skin for the VS has some very light corrosion on the bottom, going up maybe a 1/4 of an inch. I'm planning on painting the plane. Should I just sand and prime that area, or is it something to be more worried about?

Also, two of the ribs (VS705 and VS706) do not match the drawings. They do not have the forward most hole drilled on each side (the ones that attach the skin). I can easily drill the hole while I'm match drilling, but I'm a bit concerned that the drawings don't line up with the parts.

Thanks again for your help!

Those ribs don't come with those first holes drilled. Just use the hole in the skin as a guide to drill the holes.