
Well Known Member
I've started my new RV-8 build as of 07/2014, and noticed a couple of things int he HS instructions that seem wrong. Posting them here for comment as others get to this point to see if they agree with me or not.

In the "Front Spar Assembly" section of Horizontal Stabilizer, 3rd from the end step says: "Trim the inboard edges of the HS-702 flanges as shown...". The detail shows the trim cut going back to a distance away from the first pre-punched hole on the flange, however, there is no hole there - you match drill it later after the skins are on. So you can't do this step at this point. I just revised it to be the last step of the "Drilling the Horizontal Stabilizer" section, after you have the hole drilled there and can make the measurement.

In addition, in the Drilling section, on the forward side flange of HS-00005 you end up drilling the two holes as #40 per instructions. As well, the holes immediately above and below in line are also drilled #40 (these are the 4th and 5th steps on page 6-3, rev13. There are no steps later saying to drill these holes out to #30 as best as I can interpret, however the riveting chart calls out for needing these holes to be #30 to take the specific rivets. It also looks like some older versions of the instructions mentioned to drill these holes out per the plan. This is much easier to do at the end of the Drilling section before you take everything apart..in other words, you don't want to catch this when you start riveting.
My answer is based entirely on memory and I didn't go back to plans.

I think this is because of the recent service bulletin to this area, hence the difference in instructions.

Due to the recent SB you need to trip the inboard side of HS702 spar flanges. That includes the first inboard hole that was their in the kits before the SB.

In the "Front Spar Assembly" section of Horizontal Stabilizer, 3rd from the end step says: "Trim the inboard edges of the HS-702 flanges as shown...". The detail shows the trim cut going back to a distance away from the first pre-punched hole on the flange, however, there is no hole there - you match drill it later after the skins are on. So you can't do this step at this point. I just revised it to be the last step of the "Drilling the Horizontal Stabilizer" section, after you have the hole drilled there and can make the measurement.

Since the holes outboard of HS-702 are drilled, you can estimate where the innermost hole will be drilled. Count the number of that have already been drilled in HS-702 and then grab your Horizontal Stab skin. Count the same number of holes moving inboard. Then measure the distance between that hole and the furthest most hole on the skin. Take that measurement and lay it out on HS-702.

In the photo below you can see the interpolated distance where the innermost hole would be drilled. I gave my self some fudge factor incase I somehow screwed up. That was my basis for trimming HS-702 and making sure I would have the correct edge distance.


You'll also run into some confusion in the instructions, but check the service bulletin and they will help clear it up.
