
Well Known Member
I have an 8 that I didn't build so I don't have the plans. When the Horizontal Stabilizer is installed is it installed level?

Can't speak specifically to an Eight, but ...

...it certainly is on the Sevens and Nines. I can't imagine it wouldn't be on the Eights. Some alert Eight driver will respond, I'm sure.
I have an 8 that I didn't build so I don't have the plans. When the Horizontal Stabilizer is installed is it installed level?


Level along which axis?

Both tips should be at the same level, if that's what you mean.

The incidence (height of the front relative to the back) is set by placing a level across spacer blocks sitting on top of the front and rear spars IIRC.

Are you trying to chase down a potential rigging problem?
I have an 8 that I didn't build so I don't have the plans. When the Horizontal Stabilizer is installed is it installed level?

Just a suggestion, more than an answer to your question... it would probably be worth your while to purchase a set of plans if possible. (I'm surprised that they didn't come with the plane.) Whether you choose to work on the plane yourself or have a general A&P work on it, they would come in handy and are probably especially important for the non-RV builder to have.

Hope you're enjoying your plane! Good luck.

I have a buddy who is building an 8 and I have access to his plans, he is out of town for a couple of weeks. Yes I am chasing down a rigging problem. I have the consruction manual but unless I have over looked it, there are no instructions on how to install the horizontal stabilizer. The last page in my chapter 8 is 8-19.

It's obvious you don't have the latest set of plans and manual. In my manual, "mounting the empennage" starts on page 8-17.

Do you at least have the drawings that came with the manual?

If you describe the problem, perhaps some of those with flying -8s can help you out.
Can't address the -8. I've built two RV's, RV4 and RV3B.Used The plans for mounting stab on both. same problem on both.. To get elevators and trim to fly inline with stab ( incidence) had to raise leading edge of stab 3/8 of an inch to match incidence of wing...Vans two washer trick was not enough.. Have fun, fly it first.. Cheers Dick Bentley
Roll Problem

This all started with a rolling problem I have with the airplane. It would roll one way at slow speed and the opposite at high. I have fixed the low speed problem, with the ailerons. I have checked wing twist, wing angle, sweep and on and on. I checked the tail yesterday and the horizontal is 2 degress difference from tip to tip. I figure this might be my problem or at least hope it is. My construction manual is dated 1998. The pages might be missing. If any of you guys have a scanner you could scan the pages and email them to me I would appreciate it.

I checked the tail yesterday and the horizontal is 2 degress difference from tip to tip.

Are you saying it's twisted or do you suspect it is mounted incorrectly? From that statement alone, it sounds like the horizontal has a twist built into it, you may get some riveting experience out of this.

My construction manual is dated 1998. The pages might be missing. If any of you guys have a scanner you could scan the pages and email them to me I would appreciate it.


My scanner is at home, I'm at the hangar. If no one gets it done by tonight I'll send them to you.
If any of you guys have a scanner you could scan the pages and email them to me I would appreciate it.

Um, can't really email you the scanned pages without your email address. Your profile doesn't allow email.

Might also want to update your signature block, easier to connect with a name.
This all started with a rolling problem I have with the airplane. It would roll one way at slow speed and the opposite at high. I have fixed the low speed problem, with the ailerons. I have checked wing twist, wing angle, sweep and on and on. I checked the tail yesterday and the horizontal is 2 degress difference from tip to tip. I figure this might be my problem or at least hope it is.

If the HS has a twist, that could certainly cause a rolling moment that varied with speed. But, if that is the problem, there is nothing you can do with the HS mounting that will change things. The HS is very stiff, so you can't change any built-in twist. If it is twisted, the best bet is to build a new one.

Thanks Ratman. I sent you a PM. I don't know how to change access etc, will try to figure it out.