
Well Known Member

I do the eight holes! After a lot of measurements, a lot of smart level check, perfectly squared check THEN I do it. Wow, what a thrill !

After drilled everythings undersize I worked on a my table for perfect square drilling, so I mounted my HS and ....... damn:(, the incidence angle with my 1/16 spacer on the top of the rear HS longeron was 0.1 degree. I really don't know why.

What do you think that I must do :

1) keep on build

2) add a washer over the 1/8 spacer underneath the HB front spar and try to level again

3) other suggestS ?

Thank you !

Hi Luca...

I really would not worry... When you come to do the "wing incidence" you'll realise you should do the wings first, and match the HS to that - there's not a lot of movement available in the rear spar fitting to adjust the wing incidence, and the wing and HS being the same is more important than the fuselage.

When you get to the wonderful stage of flying, as we are lucky enough to do, and bounce across a rough grass strip, I think you'll find the odd 0.1 degree here and there does not really matter :D

Happy Xmas
Andy & Ellie Hill