
Well Known Member
I thought I posted this question but apparently I lost it instead. Hope some of you ready-to-fly guys can still remember back to building the horizontal Stab.

I've encountered a contradiction and problem with the instructions for the RV-12 Emp kit upon reaching section 9.

Page 09-02 Step 3: calls for countersinking the nutplate attachment holes in the 1202 web. That doesn't appear to be possible since the 3/32 holes haven't been drilled to #40 yet.

Then Page 09-04 Step 2 calls for match drilling the nutplate holes AFTER attaching a bol;ting on a nutplate
Step 4 then calls for countersinking the nutplate holes in the 1202 web.

Do I disregard Step 3 on Page 09-02 and press on or have I missed something-- certainly not unlikely!!

I'll take a stab at your questions. Keep in mind it has been 8 months since I built this section.

"Page 09-02 Step 3: calls for countersinking the nutplate attachment holes in the 1202 web. That doesn't appear to be possible since the 3/32 holes haven't been drilled to #40 yet."

The hole for a 3/32 rivet is already a #40 drill size. Doesn't need to be drilled out.

"Then Page 09-04 Step 2 calls for match drilling the nutplate holes AFTER attaching a bol;ting on a nutplate"

These holes are in the HS-1224 doublers. I don't know what you mean by the second part of your sentence.

"Step 4 then calls for countersinking the nutplate holes in the 1202 web."

This step does seem to duplicate the countersinking of the holes in the 1202, but should pose no problem if it was already done.

Hope this helps.

Page 09-02 Step 3: calls for countersinking the nutplate attachment holes in the 1202 web.
Like John said, 3/32" and #40 are about the same size. Try your countersink bit in the hole and see if it fits. By the way, CS4-4 rivets require a 120 degree counter sink, not 100. Put a little oil on the end of the counter sink bit so it will spin in the hole easier. In many cases, the countersunk rivet does not have to be perfectly flush. It all depends on what gets mounted over the rivet.
"Then Page 09-04 Step 2 calls for match drilling the nutplate holes AFTER attaching a bol;ting on a nutplate"
The purpose of the bolt is to hold the nutplate in position while you drill. After drilling the first hole, a cleco in the hole makes sure that the nutplate does not turn while drilling the second hole. Then you take it apart and deburr.
Step 4 then calls for countersinking the nutplate holes in the 1202 web. Do I disregard Step 3 on Page 09-02
Page 09-02 Step 3 calls for countersinking 16 holes. Page 09-04 Step 4 calls for countersinking 8 more holes on HS-1202 (and 8 on HS-1203). Sometimes I have to read the plans a few times before understanding. It pays to read ahead instead of blindly following the plans step by step. You will save yourself a lot or unnecessary work if you understand the purpose of each step. Do not make my mistakes!
Bolt & Nutplate

Picasa Bolt & Nutplate + next pictures

Me too


"Page 09-02 Step 3: calls for countersinking the nutplate attachment holes in the 1202 web. That doesn't appear to be possible since the 3/32 holes haven't been drilled to #40 yet."

The hole for a 3/32 rivet is already a #40 drill size. Doesn't need to be drilled out.

I had the same issue. My countersink pilot simply would not fit in the holes until I final-size drilled them. Must have been a batch that was slightly undersized. I did not have any issues with any other 3/32 holes for nutplate attachments not being full size thus far.
Aft Bulkhead holes

I had to touch-drill every hole for the d-4-4 rivets holding the aft bulkhead and doubler together. Rivets simply would not go through no matter how much aligning with a punch I did. Sounds like the tooling at Van's may be wearing.
Not to wish anyone else worries, but It's nice to know that I'm noth the only one with this problem.

