
Well Known Member
Asking on behalf of a friend.

He has an RV7 with IO-360 motor with horizontal induction. Someone told him to drill a hole in the bottom of the snorkel close the FI body, in order to drain water in the event of one flying through heavy rain.

It simply does not make sense to me, but would like to hear good opinions.

Thank you,

Flying through rain is not the problem. It’s parked overnight and rain water flowing into the inlet and collecting in the snorkel. I had this once and it then froze. I now have a 1/8 hole just prior to the fuel controller. I also have a sniffle valve but it didn’t seem to let all the water out.

Regards Peter
Thank you very much Pete. We have discussed that scenario as well. Will good foam cowl plugs not prevent it? Strange tat the sniffle will not take out the water? At least here in Africa we do not often see icing conditions while parked.

Just put some food coloring in a teaspoon of water and pour it in. Or use an oil you can see. Look for the puddle and drill. I drilled #30
Thank you Larry - this one is painted, but not a big deal to find the bottom.
Step 21 in the snorkle airbox installation instructions says, "Drill a 1/8" to 3/16" drain hole at the lowest point in the VA-132-1 Snorkel 7/8".

The instructions came with my Horizontal Induction Filtered Airbox sub-kit, FAB-HORIZ INDUCTION-1, dated January 22, 2009.
Thank you John,

So now that we know it is in the instructions --- I am thinking that it the hole is there to drain water while parked. I cannot see that it can drain water while flying through rain :confused:

Even with the cowl plugs in some water managed to get down there. Possibly blown in with the wind.
Not sure if it’s because of the specific gravity of water vs fuel or the water hadn’t gotten into the manifold to exit via the sniffle valve, but there was a frozen lump of ice in the bottom of the snorkel. Not had a problem since with the 1/8th hole.

Regards Peter
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Do it!

When I first got my 8 way back in 06 I parked and a heavy rain came along for about a half hour. Tried to start later and it coughed and sputtered for about 5 starts. Finally kept it running and never missed a beat again.

I drilled the hole and never had the problem again.