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Well Known Member
Is it time to do another one of these?

I am afraid the UPS guy has forgotten how to get to my house so I need to get ordering stuff again.

What was the deal with the last one?

Is there sufficient interest?

:cool: CJ
I would be interested in another group buy ... altho it may be a little early for me. I still don't know what color I want!
I would likely participate if it happens...

I think I'm ready too. I did hear that their prices went up big time though. Let's see what we can do.
CJ, I was just thinking the same thing today. I'm about due for them and would be interested. Hope we can get enough people and interest to get it done.
If it is similar to the last buy, I am in. My finish kit is scheduled to ship the 11th of next month so this isn't too early to start picking up items like this.

How about a group buy on 3 blade Catto props?

Steve Eberhart
RV-7A, Slider - running out of fuselage pieces. Not to wory, the finish kit will be here in a couple of weeks.
WOW! A HUGE response in the time it takes to sleep a night and take a shower in the AM!

This could be bigger than the last!

Could someone from the last deal chime in on the details?

Wicked Stick, maybe?

How this whole thing works, who talks t the company, what the final price was, buckle/price differences, ordering, etc...

:rolleyes: CJ
I'd be interested as well. Didn't follow the last one, cuz I was no where close to being ready, and still am not all that close, but I'll need 'em at some point anyway...
I am interested too

Please consider me in the group purchase, if the price is right

RV-7 canopy work, engine installation next
Hooker Harness Group Buy

I'm definetly interested. Just painted the inside of the fuselage inside yesterday. I don't check the posts regularly unless I'm looking for some info. If you get a deal please email me at [email protected]

CJ, count me in. 5 point harness. Anyone interested in my black 4-point harness??? AJ
I just bought a set for a good deal and was wondering what the price was going to be on this group buy. If my guy can do it for cheaper then I will direct this group buy to him for a bid as well. ;)




Doug, how did this all go down the last time?

I don't mind runnin' the show, just give me some pointers!

I don't wanna reinvent the wing here!

:cool: CJ
Original group buy


I am not the one who originated the idea, but I am the one who arranged and organized the Hooker group buy. If it is as big as the last one, you will be busy. If I remeber right we had 80+ participants. I basically dealt with Hooker, organized the list and submitted them by a deadline. Each person on the list then dealt with Hooker directly, completing the purchase within 2 weeks of being contacted and I got the same deal as everyone else.

You need to call Scott at Hooker harness and ask if if he is interestred in another group buy and how he would like to handle things. I know he was very surpirsed and overwhelmed with the last one. You can also call Mark Fredericks at Team Rocket ( great guy) , if Scott is not interested. He was going to cut the original deal, but Hooker undercut him. I was going to say search the archives, but I did and could not find it , so I guess it was removed. Feel free to contact me privately for any questions.
OK All,

I will take the bull by the horns on this one!

It is saturday today, and no businesses are likely to be open. However, when they do open up again on monday I will contact Hooker and make the suggestion!

I consider this thread to be the initial list of interested parties.

When I say so (and PLEASE, NOT until then) PM me with your email addy and I will compile a list of people and maintain contact via email.

Stand by for updates!

:cool: CJ

I have gotten down to nuts and bolts with Hooker. Here is all that is fit for public consumption right now. I hate to queer the deal with releasing too much information too early, but you should be kept informed of the workings!

Hooker wants to use a sales representative for the deal instead of dealing directly to us. Of course, I am fine with that.

I am thinking that we can likely "DO" over 100 pairs of belts and am awaiting some final numbers as I type this. It is my hope that we can at least match the old deal with enough buying power.

I do expect some increase in price after one year, but with all the -10's under construction and even larger numbers of 2 seaters, this ought to be HUGE, JERRY! HUUUGE, I tell ya! (Seinfeld-ism, in case ya couldn't tell)

Hooker harness group buy, Count me in

I'm in. I hesitated too long last time. I'm rolling the canoe by Christmas - 4 last floor stiffeners, then dissassemble, dimple, debur- repeat till done, prime etc

I'm in for 5 pt harness (2)

Dave Cordner
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