Macs RV7A

I'm New Here
I rang up hooker harnesses from Australia only to find out they are all in Florida for sun-n-fun. I am going to use Hookers sport harnesses with rotary buckles. My question is how thick is hookers crotch strap buckle, I am positioning my crotch straps kit from vans and I read some time back that they were thicker than normal vans buckles can anyone help me please.

There's actually a little bushing/collar that they press through the hole in the bottom of the metal tang. That's what thicker than a standard seat belt tang. The bushings on mine are about 0.320" thick--but this bushing is not a precision casting by any means. There's room to file it flat and make it a slip fit in between the two pieces that Van's sends you in the crotch strap kit. But you do need more room between those two than the 1/8" or so that it shows in the plans.
The Hooker crotch strap

The Hooker crotch strap is sewn (3) plys thick where it attaches to the steel retainer. That puts the fabric thickness at 1/4"+.

I had already installed my Van's mounting plates at 1/8" apart, so am using a small strap made of 4130 to extend the strap attach point to just below the floor plate.

Talk to Scott at Hooker before you set your mounting plate distance. 3/16 is not wide enough!
I would wait until they arrive

I would recommend waiting until you have the harnesses in hand before working on the crotch strap mounts.

With mine, not only does the gap need to be wider but I also needed to drill a new mounting bolt hole about 1/2" lower (from memory) to move the tang down below the top of the mounting plates. I didn't want the fabric around the tang rubbing on the mount.
I will have to wait and talk to Hookers before I final rivet, I'll start on one of the other million jobs I have to go. Thanks again for your reply's. Regards Mac.
Hooker emailed me and said set the crotch strap distance to 3/8 and be good for all harnesses

I say another builder use 5/16 and he had the harness strap in hand

lastly he also had to lower the mount bolt hole to allow clearance with the floor.

I'm planning 5/16 ish and leaving the mounting bolt hole for final fitting

thats all for RV 7 and just my thoughts
