
Well Known Member
Part 1

Honey, can you pick me up in Albuquerque?
Well, you bet I can.

I get to see my grandson’s first birthday party to boot.

All packed and ready for an early launch…. Leaving South Florida (lots of very light backpack camping gear in back) Oh, and O2


A couple of bridges…. Sunshine Skyway in Tampa and I Don’t Know somewhere along the Mighty Mississippi :D



Made it to West Texas passing Dallas and a formidable storm very quickly…. News the next day said "Tornado's"


Camped for the night in Vernon, TX…. Passed the time with my trusty 1968 Sheridan Silver Streak Multi-pump pellet rifle….


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Part 2

Part 2

Next day West Texas turned into lumpy terrain and then gave way to LOTS of wind farms….



New Mexico has lots of scenic canyons and I played in some of them….



Back at Tom’s hangar in Moriarty, NM …… Big relief to have your baby parked inside somewhere safe for a few weeks.


Was greeted by local population of roadrunners….


Birthday party was a smash :D

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Part 3

Part 3

Fast forward two weeks, My bride of 20 years loaded and ready for the return flight…



Once again, stopped in Mt Pleasant, TX. Great friendly place with crew car…and scenery


And overnight at Meridian, MS because I was running out of light and weather windows…. again, great scenery


20.7 hobbs hours later, Home safe and sound thanks to our fantastic RV-6.

This was my 4th RV-6 trip from Southern Florida to Albuquerque, New Mexico. Makes traveling the same route by car seem like an eternity.

Keep pounding them rivets guys and girls….. It’s worth it.

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fun camping

I mentioned a gun in my plane recently and set off a firestorm. Hop you do better....
It thrilled me to no end to see him carrying the FANTASTIC 1968 Sheriden Silver Streak! I got mine on my 6th birthday in 1969, and love it to this day. There's no finer pellet gun for plinkin'.

Plinkin' with Palinkas :cool:

What a great trip write-up!
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Camped for the night in Vernon, TX?. Passed the time with my trusty 1968 Sheridan Silver Streak Multi-pump pellet rifle?.


Great trip report I wanted a Benjamin when a kid but it cost too much, so I bought one when I was 55 and could easily afford it. .177 Not like the original brass ones, but nice just the same. . Back to glass work! (not many rivets left)
Great trip

Let me know next time you head up to Bent Willies, will drop in to visit.
Gary, cool trip!

That is how to use an RV!

I will have a similar one after Oshkosh called "Meet me in Las Vegas"!

Maybe we will swing down your way and say hello on the way home?

:) CJ
Great trip report I wanted a Benjamin when a kid but it cost too much, so I bought one when I was 55 and could easily afford it. .177 Not like the original brass ones, but nice just the same. . Back to glass work! (not many rivets left)
Nice trip, Gary !!!!
Aside: I had one of the brass Benjamins in junior high and high school. I generated one helluva right bicep pumping that critter, too. :D Later in the 80's I found the same model at a sporting goods clearance for 1/2 price. I still have that one!
Nice report Gary! I've been to those woods per your recommendation. :)

Vlad, I?m still waiting for us to do Bent Willies. Maybe we can get Kevin to join along.

I mentioned a gun in my plane recently and set off a firestorm. Hop you do better....

Nick, I won?t fly cross-country that far without a gun in the airplane. Seems stupid not to have a survival tool. Don?t really care what they say. :D

It thrilled me to no end to see him carrying the FANTASTIC 1968 Sheriden Silver Streak! I got mine on my 6th birthday in 1969, and love it to this day. There's no finer pellet gun for plinkin'.

Plinkin' with Palinkas :cool:

What a great trip write-up!

Thank you for the kind words.
I really like ?Plinkin' with Palinkas??..

For all you Sheridan Streak Fans?.
The Silver Streak I have was recently purchased as I was not as ?smart? in my youth and let my original Streak get lost somewhere in my early teens as I transitioned to powder burners. I also purchased a one owner 1969 Blue Streak around the same time as the Silver Streak. Not cheap but both in excellent condition and strong shooters. Good to be back in the fold. Although, like Terry stated, I had more pumping energy in my teens.

Great trip report I wanted a Benjamin when a kid but it cost too much, so I bought one when I was 55 and could easily afford it. .177 Not like the original brass ones, but nice just the same. . Back to glass work! (not many rivets left)
Bill, Many of the older Sheridans perform really well. The latest ones, not so much. After Crosman bought them they went downhill and were discontinued a few years ago.

Let me know next time you head up to Bent Willies, will drop in to visit.

Will do Kevin. It may not be until the fall though as I want to camp there again.

I like the trip report but LOVE that paint job on your 6!

Mike, Thank you for the compliment. I painted it myself at home (paint booth) and assembled in hangar. Worked for me. Details on VAF.

Gary, cool trip!

That is how to use an RV! .......

Captain John, I?ll be back in town around the middle of June if that works for you. Have fun on your trip. Stop anytime.

Nice trip, Gary !!!!
Aside: I had one of the brass Benjamins in junior high and high school. I generated one helluva right bicep pumping that critter, too. :D Later in the 80's I found the same model at a sporting goods clearance for 1/2 price. I still have that one!
Terry, I wish I could find one of the Model A Sheridans at a reasonable price. They were the early brass finish models that I think you are referring to.
Great trip write up. This is, indeed, what we build RV's for! Man, I wanted a Benjamin or a Sheridan when I was a kid. Never could afford one. Beautiful airplane, air rifle, and bride.
It thrilled me to no end to see him carrying the FANTASTIC 1968 Sheriden Silver Streak! I got mine on my 6th birthday in 1969, and love it to this day. There's no finer pellet gun for plinkin'.
What a great trip write-up!

I too have a Sheridan; 5 mm Blue Streak. It's one hard-hitting, accurate pellet rifle, that would ruin an old-time phone book! ;-)

Great trip write up.

When I was growing up we had one of the old (1950s vintage) 5mm Sheridans. Accurate and hard hitting, it dispatched it's share of rabbits and gophers, as well as teaching my sisters and me to shoot before we moved up to the .22.

My Dad, being very practical and not terribly attached to most things, cut it up and scrapped it a few years before he passed. The (leather?) seals had gone, and I guess he assumed it was unrepairable. He never asked me, I'd have gladly repaired it. I still have its replacement, a Diana RWS that's not half the gun the old Sheridan was.
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Gary Palinkas....WILDERNESS MAN! parents owned a sporting goods store in Woonsocket RI....we use to have a Sheridan....great gun! We also had the cheap but fun Remington Nylon 66 that we put thousands of .22 rounds through.....that's when it was CHEAP and EASY to get .22 rounds! :)
Great trip

Gary, seems you use your RV the way all of us want to...great pics and story. Since you end up in Albuquerque frequently, next time you get a chance to be out this way, hop across the Sandias & check out the experimental crowd at KAEG (lots of RVs, the occasional Glasair, RANS, trikes, etc.). Chances are good during the weekends that the RonJon Toy Shop hangar door will be up (60 X 60 box west of the FBO--currently housing RV8, HR2, Christen Eagle, RANS S-7S). Stop in and talk planes, have a beverage, tell lies, whatever....
I won't tell you what "accessories" accompany me on my aerial travels, but if you stop by, I'll be glad to show you!
Jon Farley
RV8 "Redtail Angel"
RANS S7S "Squatch"
[email protected]
Add me to the list of former Benjamin and Sheridan pump gun owner. Somehow they went away long ago.

I now use a Webley Vulcan single brake that I bought 35 or so years ago--- what a great air gun. Too bad Beeman pellets are no longer available.

Oh, yes---------the trip report -----great writeup :D