pierre smith

Well Known Member
Mornin' everybody,
D.R.'s taking this poll you've all seen but let me say something (oh boy, I'm gonna get it now).

So far the votes overwhelmingly favor the RV 8 and 10. I have friends who have owned and flown both the 6 and 8 and both say the 6 flies much better, and I'm assuming the 7 does too. Granted, the 8 is sexier on the ramp, especially with the turtle deck but be honest; which is the better flier?

I've flown both and I favor the 6 or 7. The 8 seems to have a 'heavier' feel and not as "tossible" during aerobatics.

What say you? Go ahead, make my day.....I can handle it! :D

ps. Smoky, you can chime in and pick the 4 :D
Go for it!

I like somebody who's not afraid.... :)

I too thought the poll was interesting; I'm building an 8, but voted for the 4. At the speed I build, I would be 116 years old if I tried to build without a QB and the 8 is the closest I could get to the 4 in a QB. Would like to have seen the poll include "what are you building vs. what would you like"

The truth of it is - for me - I somebody was going to offer a finished RV, I'd take any of them. No arguement from me on which one!
I'll have to admit I picked the 8 strictly on looks. All I've ever flown is the 6A (and ridden in a 4). Always thought I wanted an 8, but guess I'd better find one to fly first. ;)
<big grin>
I agree with you, Pierre. My RV-6 is more nimble than my friend's RV-7 and Danny's RV-8 (IMHO). I guess I should have included the 6, but my brain at the time had me just include currently offered models. Dumb brian <g>.

The 4 will smoke 'em all. The 3 (I'm told) will outfly the 4.

Smokey, chime in <g>.

pierre smith said:
Mornin' everybody.....So far the votes overwhelmingly favor the RV 8 and 10. I have friends who have owned and flown both the 6 and 8 and both say the 6 flies much better.....Granted, the 8 is sexier on the ramp........I've flown both and I favor the 6........ The 8 seems to have a 'heavier' feel and not as "tossible" during aerobatics. What say you? Go ahead, make my day.....I can handle it!...........
Mornin' back at you Pierre. I think you love the smell of avgas in the morning! Well, get a handle around this one...sex sells. ;) What do stars and bars look better on...an RV-8 or a Pietenpol Air Camper? :rolleyes: Why did they sweep the tail back on the Cessna 150 in 1966 at a cost in airspeed? Why do people watch "Fear Factor." Is it the bugs or the bikinis? :confused: Who would you rather stare at while having the news read to you....Maria Bartiromo :) or Sally Jesse Raphael? :eek:

Sex aside, you seem to be putting all your "tossibles" in one aerobatic basket. Maybe some people prefer centerline seating and a military-like cockpit environment to preside over :cool:, even though many builders will never so much as do an aileron roll. Everybody tends to seek refuge within their own personal biases....something about beauty, eyes, and beholders.....These are not my judgements you understand, merely one lister's (admittedly skewed) observations. Breathe deep Pierre and have that truly nice day! :D
pierre smith said:
Mornin' everybody,
D.R.'s taking this poll you've all seen but let me say something (oh boy, I'm gonna get it now).

So far the votes overwhelmingly favor the RV 8 and 10. I have friends who have owned and flown both the 6 and 8 and both say the 6 flies much better, and I'm assuming the 7 does too. Granted, the 8 is sexier on the ramp, especially with the turtle deck but be honest; which is the better flier?

I've flown both and I favor the 6 or 7. The 8 seems to have a 'heavier' feel and not as "tossible" during aerobatics.

What say you? Go ahead, make my day.....I can handle it! :D

ps. Smoky, you can chime in and pick the 4 :D
With a thread titled "honestly now...", someone's got to be lying! So I'll throw in a lie.

I've got a fair amount of time in -4, -6 and -9's. And about 850 or so in the -8. With the exception of the CG issue of the tandems affecting stick pressure, I don't believe the difference is significant if even perceptable.

Just my 2 cents.

Rick6a said:
Who would you rather stare at while having the news read to you....Maria Bartiromo :) or Sally Jesse Raphael? :eek:


I agree wholeheartedly Rick.......sex sells and I've often said that life's too short to date ugly women or drive ugly cars! I'm talking about fun flying, not just looking! :)
Aw c'mon Pierre...

Honestly now

You know you're just trying to justify your ownership of a 6A, when what you really want to do is build an 8! :p :D
Aww heck, let's tell it like it is. The 8 and 10 are popular because you have to be, ahhhh, "inseam challenged" to fit in the other ones <g>

I'd love to have a 4, but.....

Dan "too tall" Horton
2 Cents...

I asked Van this question at OSH three years ago, he said the -3 is the best flier, then the -4 in his opinion, which is one I'd have to respect!

As a former -8 owner, and a former -4 owner (X3), as well as a Rocket or two, and a current -6 owner and having flown the -7 and -9, I'd say you simply can not beat the RV-4 for overall bang for the buck. Structurally it is auguably the strongest, the low cut centerline seating is the most 'fighter pilot-y' (I can say that since I am one!) and it lands almost without effort either two or three wheel. I love my current -6 for the comfort of my 'inseam challenged' long legs and my wife LOVES the comfort of the -6 cockpit compared to the -4 PIT (and yes we had the foot wells), but for my money and desire to 'dance upon laughter silvered wings' I vote for the RV-4 as the ultimate Vans machine.

And no, I have never flown a -3...unfortunatley, so jury out on that one, sure looks fun tho!


the 8 is just an awesome looking plane . i ordered the 7a without giving it much thought. looked at itand thought wow thats cool i'll get one. then i went to a fly in and fell in love with the 8. but things happen for a reason and at that time the 8 wasnt pre punched and i really dont beleive i would have ever had the time for it. now its pre punched ... :rolleyes: oh well maybe i'll be a repeat offender. :eek: says my wife :D :D
they are all awesome i'd take any except the 10, i already got a yukon :D
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Most of my time is in 172's and Mooney toys, I've only taken a couple test hops in RV's, but I was interested in the response from one gentleman (forget who, flys for Vans?) who said he would take the 9A over all the others. This caught my attention because I had been slobbering over all the numbers of the different designs for many, many days before deciding on the 9A myself. For my kind of flying and the things I want to do with it, that's simply the best choice. The -10 with an Innodyn would be nice, to be sure - if you could afford to feed it - but the 9A is the right fit for me.
Can't beat the look of the 4

There might be more room in an 8 and it's a full pre-punch kit now but you simply can't beat the looks of the 4 (except maybe the 3 but I plan on the occasional passenger). They lost the sexy lines of the 4 when they changed the cowl to fit the wider fuselage. I'm no small guy, 6'2" 250 but I equate the cockpit size in a 4 to that of a nice sports car, cozy. What I do like in the 4 is the elbow room I do have I don't loose when someone sits next to me. I also like the fact that it's one sweet flying aircraft with a 320 FP.
You're right

I have to agree.....the 4 is one of the most beautiful airplanes flying today.....but have you seen it with the raised turtledeck? Whoohooo pretty!
Yes, :D
airguy said:
Most of my time is in 172's and Mooney toys, I've only taken a couple test hops in RV's, but I was interested in the response from one gentleman (forget who, flys for Vans?) who said he would take the 9A over all the others. This caught my attention because I had been slobbering over all the numbers of the different designs for many, many days before deciding on the 9A myself. For my kind of flying and the things I want to do with it, that's simply the best choice. The -10 with an Innodyn would be nice, to be sure - if you could afford to feed it - but the 9A is the right fit for me.

Does Van's have a 9 in their fleet? I wonder if they'd pick the -9A if they had both an A and TD?

just wondering,

"Hard" to get in!

The "Hard" could stand for hard to get in and out of Pierre's 6A, as I am too short for my current weight. I am actually light, but about 2'11 too short. My 8 allows for my vertically challenged frame. Thats why I voted for the 10. The 10 will hold all of the Weight Watchers in my circle of friends. I hope to fly my 10 to SNF 2008.
Deuskid said:
Does Van's have a 9 in their fleet? I wonder if they'd pick the -9A if they had both an A and TD?

just wondering,


Are you asking do they have a -9 and a -9A? As in tricycle and tail dragger? If so, then the answer is yes.
At the risk of insane jealousy

as I prepare to write big fat checks for IFR ratings and some aerobatic instruction...

What is the appeal of an RV to a fighter pilot?...I mean do they even compare, do you get your "needs met" by yanking and banking an F16 and then you travel around in the "commuter car"...Or do the RV's give you a thrill too?

Just curious.

Fighter pilots perspective...

I'm sure Smokey will agree but with almost 4,000 hours of military fighter type flying from F-4s to F-117s, when I hang up my G suit in three years and retire, as long as I can still go out and fly my RV, life will be good! While my RV may not sustain 9 Gs and doesn't spit bullets/bombs at bogeys, for pure joy of flying and the occassional, all right, FREQUENT local bro v. bro dogfight, RV flying is in many ways just as gratifying as my 'day job'. Just cheaper and no one tells me when to t/o, where to fly, and make me sit thru yet another extended brief/de-brief.

Between my RV and YAK 50, I'll do fine! Get one and let your inner fighter pilot out!

RV Phlyer
OH I got one but...

I just need someone to show me how to use it....:)

Acro I mean.


airguy said:
Are you asking do they have a -9 and a -9A? As in tricycle and tail dragger? If so, then the answer is yes.

Yes, I was asking if they had both flavors of -9 because all I've heard said was they all prefer the -9A. Made me wonder if they had the TD version available. Now I know they do and still prefer the Nose wheel.


Wouldn't it be nice if we could get some air to air experience from our resident shooters? I would think that it would take a good many hours to bring a weekend flyer up to the point where they could share the sky safely during air to air, but it would be a great learning experience. I would imagine for our military pilots, it would be like clubbing baby seals :) What a blast!

frankh said:
What is the appeal of an RV to a fighter pilot?...I mean do they even compare, do you get your "needs met" by yanking and banking an F16 and then you travel around in the "commuter car"...Or do the RV's give you a thrill too?

Just curious.


Frank, you need to find a copy of the February 2005 Sport Aviation. The feature article is about Rob (Smoky) Ray and his eleven other fighter pilot buddies who ALL own RVs!!

Remember, they have to commute too and since they can't fly our F-16s for fun or personal use, they choose, guess what??

Paul Dye on this forum is a lead flight director for the Shuttle program and flies an -8. Besides, 4750 RV owners can't all be wrong. ;)