
Well Known Member
Anyone attending this year's homecoming that wouldn't mind doing a little RV-12 reconnaissance for the rest of us?
Anyone attending Van's Homecoming this weekend? Please give us an update on the RV-12 if they bring it out for show.

I'm flying in there today for a part. I'll try to get some pics of it...hopefully I remember.

currently in route delayed and fueled trying to make hicks today or OKM, OK.will send you the goods when I see them.
Keith 13kn
There is not really that much else to report. The plane was just about at the same point as it was at OSH. There was a constant crowd of people around it, but it's hard to tell if that's simply because it's the only "new" thing going on right now.

The entire time I was there Van was standing around the RV12 talking to people about it. He seemed very interested in the project and many of the people talking with him were his 60+ RV4 flying friends! :rolleyes:

From my walk around. The full length ailerons looked very narrow. The Fuselage mounted fuel tank generated some comentary as people wished the fuel was in the wings without the removable option. Overall the looks are growing on me. It looked way better than Ken & Ken's single seat wonder plane. (you have to see it to understand) It was clear that the plane is designed around the 912 and everything from weight and balance, to the layout of the structure is centered on that engine.

I know it's hard to say, but the pop rivets were not that objectionable. Possibly I am getting used to them on similar designs so they don't stand out to your eye. Overall it's a neat project, and time will tell how it works out. From the looks of it they have a few more weeks of work to get it in the air (or months if it was us working on it).