
Well Known Member
Family member found their site and sent me an excited email. First I have heard of them. Anyone have any thoughts or experience with them?
Is good

I bought the emp dvd. Very useful. takes you through each step and gives you a good understanding of what is going on. I've ordered the wing dvd. and intend to get the fuse as soon as it is available. (a few weeks) If it saves me from a couple of mistakes, it will have paid for itself. Since the 12 doesn't have a preview plan pack like the other models, this series gives you a clear idea of what to expect. I have no connection with homebuilt help, just a satisfied customer.

As a first time builder the empennage video really helped build my confidence since I was able to watch someone before diving in myself. Definitely worth the cost of the video.
Glad to hear about it, I just ordered the wing DVD, I just started on the wings a couple of days ago and it would have saved me the cost of the DVD on the first day I feel.
I have just completed the tailcone and used the Empenage wih tailcone DVD. It is well worth the investment. I just viewd the Wings DVD and found the video very informative.
I just received my Wing video today. Even though I am pretty far along with the left wing, I found it to be very valuable. I just watched ahead of what I will be doing the next few days, and feel far more confident having seen it done!
I would highly recommend the wing video for a first time builder, get it and watch it a couple of times BEFORE you get your wing kit, it will save you time and money for sure. Vans is missing a bet there I think, each kit should have such a DVD included.
I got the one for the tail kit last night and can only confirm what others have said. it really helped me to understand the steps from the manual.

Home built help

I saw the ad while looking at Viking engines last night and was very impressed with the sample video. I ordered the DVD's for the fuselage kit and got an e-mail this eve. that they are going out today and will be delivered in 5 days.

Sonerai 2 plans built 1977
RV-4 2007 550 hrs.
RV-12 emp. and wings finished
No doubt everyone figures it out...but the only reference to the video producer's website in this thread is misspelled. The HomebuiltHelp website URL is:


For RV-12 builders, the place to start is: http://homebuilthelp.com/RV12/RV12EmpTailcone.htm

The producer now offers Empennage, Wing and Fuselage videos for the RV-12 and is, at this time, offering this free DVD with an order - "RV-12 TOOLS DEMONSTRATION showing the tools and techniques required for the construction of the RV-12 aircraft".

Some other interesting titles (e.g. Metalworking 101) as well.

Help Videos

Hi Guys I'm not even building my RV-12 yet but have ALL the videos & have watched several times. They give a GREAT insight into the building Process & tricks to make the Program smoother.........I hope I can Join you lucky guys soon!
Cheers John H.
You are doing it right! I think my build would have been FAR EASIER and certainly faster had I watched the videos a couple of times before I started. I am on my own again now, no finish, engine, or avionics DVD yet!

Hi Guys I'm not even building my RV-12 yet but have ALL the videos & have watched several times. They give a GREAT insight into the building Process & tricks to make the Program smoother.........I hope I can Join you lucky guys soon!
Cheers John H.