jeff beckley

Well Known Member
Trying to decide where to park with my RV and camp. Does home built camping area allow you to camp by your plane? Or is it behind where the planes are parked? How about show plane camping?
Speaking of which, I visited the area an hour or so ago and have uploaded photos of famous RVers

I talked to Darwin Barrie a few minutes ago. He says that Kelly Patterson from Phoenix had an engine problem over Kansas, but was able to land safely at an airport... dead stick, I believe. Whew! So they won't be here.
I was talking to Doug Reeves when Paul Rosales sent a text message that the FAA refused to allow the 35-ship RV formation to fly as one group. Some paperwork was not filed properly, I guess.
So that sizeable contingent will be landing as individuals.
More as it happens.
Great pics

Bob, Great pics, and I really enjoy the short stories with each picture - please keep up the good work!
I can almost smell the place

Bob you've raised my excitement level 100%. :D I can't get there till later in the week but from your pictures I'm getting goose-bumps. Thank you so much for taking the time to share them with everyone. ;)
Sorry to hear about the 35 ship problem

Having seen some wonderful passes by folks at the LOE fly-in I was looking forward to video and pics of this event.


You are my real least for this week anyway. Great pix/stories....just as if I were there. SO THANKS. Now I have asked about evryone I can think of for help your next. My Whirlwind 200 RV prop will be on display at their booth. If you get a chance a pix and your offical report would be greatly appreciated. Man I will bet the VAF readers are getting a little tired of my plea.... :rolleyes:

Frank @ SGU RV7A..............."NDY"
fstringham7a said:
........Man I will bet the VAF readers are getting a little tired of my plea.... :rolleyes:

Frank @ SGU RV7A..............."NDY"

Ok, we may be tired of your plea, BUT we still want to see the pic of it and a pirep. :D
Thanks, folks, We're having a great time. My buddy Warren Starkebaum flew in today and is camping with me. We went up to Michael Sausen's house nad had a nice BBQ with his family and the folks from Vertical Power and Monte and Alan Barrett and Rhonda Barret Bewley and ... and... and.... man I love meeting people.

The highlight of my visit so far was meeting Doug.

tomorrow I have to do some "real" work (Cirrus is having a news conference at 9:30 so I have to cover that), I'll have to write a story for MPR, then doing a panel with Rob Riggen.

But that'll let me walk through the nearby RV area again and take more pictures.

So many people to meet, so little time.

Will try to update as time allows but I also see Doug's got tons of great pictures up and, man, does he ever have a nice camera. He's the alpha male of photographers here, as near as I can tell.

Check out his pix on the front page.

Saw the Goodyear blimp tonight, tied down at Pioneer Airport (took a pix and stuck it on the blog).
One more RVer ran into trouble on the way. Kelly Patterson of Phoenix had a valve problem and put down in Kansas. I'm losing BBQ volunteers left and right.:eek: Heh heh.
RV group arrival

We actually did get to fly in as a group of 35. Some kind of snafu didn't allow us to do an arrival flyby but we did 4 ship wing landings and taxied in as one group. It looked pretty good from where I sat.

Hope to meet and see a bunch of you guys at OSH.

fly safe.
Bob Collins said:
...Will try to update as time allows but I also see Doug's got tons of great pictures up and, man, does he ever have a nice camera. He's the alpha male of photographers here, as near as I can tell...

Bob, I'm curious, just what kind of camera is Doug using? Nice results, of course it helps if you know how to use it. :)

Sure wish we were there, haven't been there since 2003, definitely next guys have got us fired up!
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Good morning (Mon) from OSH!!!

Don't let Bob fool you, he's the real deal here. Professional journalist. I'm a wannabe <g>.

The camera is a Canon EOS-1 Mark II N body. Various lenses - long shot lens is the 70-200mm 2.8 IS. I'm not Popeye and carrying it around all day wears me out <g>.

It was so cool finally meeting Bob yesterday. You can tell the first minute he's a guy you'd like as a friend your whole life. Highlight of the trip so far for me! That, and having a cell tower behind the tent <g>.

Kinda figured you'd tell me it was a Canon, their optics are sweet. Currently coveting a 5D and a bunch of 'L' glass...someday, and I'll enjoy every minute of lugging it around. :cool: