
Active Member
I just bought, and viewed homebuilders rudder video. I did not get the gentlemens name who narrated it but I was curious who else watched this. He gave several techniques that probably are different from the plans but did the job. An example is when he was trying to bend the piece at the leading edge of the rudder with a wooden rake, or the instance where he used glue at the trailing edge of the rudder and then cleico every hole until the glue dries, then begin riveting.

Just curious if van's plans has a different way to accomplish this....haven't seen the plans yet as I am still in the research process.
People have successfully used many different techniques, both with and without adhesives, to do the rudder trailing edge. Use the search utility on this forum and you'll find many previous discussions on this topic.

Same goes for just about everything on this airplane. There are many ways to skin a cat. The plans are fairly comprehensive, but their purpose is to show the structure, not any specific technique to use. The manual does suggest some techniques, but that's by no means comprehensive. Your own creativity, and other builders' experience which you'll find on the forums, are an invaluable supplement.

Generally, when you have a question on how to do this or that, chances are it has been asked and answered before. Search the forums, and if you don't find a satisfactory answer, by all means ask.