
Legacy Member
This trip had more challanges than any I have taken in a long time.

OAT's of 15 on the ground, high winds, snow, mountains, clouds, and friendly ATC and airport staff. I feel like I'm ready to move to Alaska.

(click on picture to read the story.)
Thanks Guy.

My sister-in-law sent me some pictures of her daughters and my brother right after their rides. Needless to say, the RV grin was very apparent.

However, it is this picture that really got my attention. Radomir had told me that my -9 goes up at a crazy angle but we had never taken a picture of it. I'm certain this is not at Vx because I was being conservative with my passengers onboard and didn't pull it up to that attitude until we were a bit higher. (The OAT's, altitude, etc. are now detailed on the link above.)

And winter won't give up!

Great write up, Bill. We got another 3-6 inches of snow around Detroit last night. This is the longest winter I can remember in many, many years.

That is quite a climb angle. I'll have to remember to get a shot like that when I get my plane finished.

Those were some wicked head winds. Glad it all worked out.
Cold battery


Something from your write-up prompted this. How cold was it when your Odessey battery became too weak to start the plane?

Steve it was 15 degrees F the morning I had the battery problem.

I suspect, but do not know, that if I had a primmer system installed it would have fired right off as the engine cranked like crazy but wasn't firing. I am reluctant to pump the throttle a bunch of times but that is eventually what got it to fire. I simply ran the battery down trying to get it started.