
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
Dog tired from sitting in that cockpit 6.5hrs.

More to come....

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DeltaRomeo said:
Dog tired....

More to come....


Not the safest way to fly ---------Dog tired--------but glad you made it safe.

Jealous I am.

Next year maybe.
Glad your home

Hey Doug!
I was really looking forward to meeting you this year :) Sorry I missed you but glad your home safe. Maybe when my 8 comes down to Grady for paint I will get to finally meet you and buy breakfast!
Wilco, Kirk.

Still can hardly believe that I ate breakfast in Wisconsin, lunch in Missouri and dinner in Texas. Only in an RV.

BTW, the puffies were BEAUTIFUL today cruising at 8,500' !

The tired thing is cumulative

DeltaRomeo said:
Dog tired....

More to come....


Oshkosh wears you down. Spend days walking straining your senses trying not to miss anything, eating unusual food in unusual attitudes, use porta-potties, making a conscious effort to savor every moment, studying the NOTAM trying and make sure you get clear of the event safely, pay attention to the weather, navigate, monitor the airplane condition, manage the fuel, etc.

This year we flew into Fond Du Lac on Sunday after the AirVenture Cup Race and flew home the next day without going into Oshkosh. When we flew home to Arkansas Monday I had plenty of energy to mow the grass (pretty big yard). After three times there it it is not as enjoyable as it was the first or second time. Still I have friends that go there every year like religous fanatics and wouldn't miss it for anything. I have the book "Poberezny, The Story Begins ..." (I loved it!) and I know there is wonderful soul there, especially Paul and Audrey, but it is so far from the hot dust commercial experience I encounter ... well let's just say I feel your exhaustion even if it is different than mine. There is nothing like a little pain and sacrifice to make lasting memories.

You should get a ribbon with a bronze star for an individual repeat visit and a silver star for five repeats like the military. Maybe they don't do that anymore - it's been a long time.

Glad you made it back safely but then I never had any doubt.

Bob Axsom
DeltaRomeo said:
Dog tired from sitting in that cockpit 6.5hrs.

More to come....

Welcome home.

5 SoCAL RVs from OSH at E80 RON.
2 SoCAL RVs from OSH at I58 RON.
2 SoCAL RVs from OSH at BGD RON.
RON = Remain Over Night

9 SoCAL pilots also Dog tired from sitting in the cockpit.

Keep pounding those rivets and you will be joining us too.
Home Safe from OSH

Made it home in 6.3 hours after fighting bad weather and rain out of Oshkosh and thunder storms in west central Georgia. Averaged 164 MPH on 160 HP. Got home to find out the guy a couple of hangers down from me was killed in a Cessna 150 today. Engine failure out of a short grass strip, apparent stall spin. Took a 7 year old kid with him as the grandfather watched. Sad.

Jerry Isler
RV-4 N455J
Donalsonville, GA
Back Home again in Minnesota....

Well, I do LIVE in Texas, but I'll always be from here to visit the parents for a few days after leaving OSH about 1300, right after the last of the AM storms had dissipated, and before the big afternoon stuff kicked up (just looked at the current radar, and Lordy, I'm glad I'm not in southern Wisconsin or northern Iowa right now!). Had to deviate around a few cells between OSH and Eau Claire, but an hour and twenty saw me on the ground at KANE where the Val is safely tucked away in hangar space generously provided by Alex and Pete.

Headed back to Texas early next week - glad everyone else is flying safe. I just saw the call for help from Moberly - I stopped there for fuel on the way up - looks lonely - I hope someone can help him out!

Rest up Doug - there's always more flying to be done!
Home safe in North Louisiana

7.5 hours (flying time) in a Decathlon.

We departed OSH @ around 9:00AM. After about ten miles of light rain the sky started to brighten up a bit.
We went around the west side of Madison, WI before turning south to avoid all the weather to the east.

I had a really good time at Oshkosh this year. Maybe next year my RV will be ready!

It was great to meet a bunch of folks from this forum.

The RV BBQ was fantastic, thanks Bob!
Home Safe to Central Texas

Avionics, what a great advancement to safe flying!!

Departed OSH at about 0815 Thursday in the rain in formation. Headed 160* as instructed and began assessing on the Garmin 396 how to get through the WALL of red and yellow storms North to South west of OSH. Picked a spot on the 396 screen that had less yellow and a little green over by Green Lake when Dan Checkoway (who had taken off with his formation just ahead of me) confirmed the spot to penetrate the wall. Once through the rain and on the other side, a climb to 8500' produced the cross wind which was advertised on the 396 wind page. Stops at MBY ($3.28) and SWI ($3.75) for fuel, and I split off single ship toward Central Texas. Now I had my worked cut out for me as there were storms (BIG STORMS) everywhere south of Dallas. Weaved my way through them using the 396 and made it to Waco. Looked like I would not be able to squeeze through between a monster storm and the restricted area at Ft Hood, so I called to try to get cleared through the restricted area. NO CAN DO, areas in use. So I went around to the north and west side of the restricted area and watch the monster storm close in across Temple and Ft Hood. Again, using the 396 I found a channel toward GTU homebase but noted that GTU was covered up by dark green. Got about 7 miles north and it was solid rain between GTU and me, so it was time to make use of my recent WAAS upgrade to my Garmin 420. Called up the GPS approach to RWY180, headed to the FAF, the Course and Glide Path needles began centering, and down we went with nice steady needles taking me right down centerline a 1000' long onto a rain soaked runway with puddles everywhere.

Home at last. Hope y'all enjoyed the 35-ship formation Tuesday and Wednesday. I will post up the name of all the pilots in the Formation section today.
Back at ADS

I left shortly after Doug on Thursday from 36L. Followed the 160 heading for 5 miles as instructed. Looked at the XM weather on my 496 and didn't like what I saw ahead so turned back north and then west to get through where the green areas were the lightest. Just about the east edge of Volk East MOA, I could turn southwest and skirt the weather till it cleared.

Stopped at K52 Monroe City for fuel and then home. Cloud layers and altimeter settings were almost unchanged all the way back to Texas. Sitting at 8,500 feet doing between 164 and 170 knots ground speed. Touched down at 2:39 pm just like the GPS had predicted at liftoff.

My two latest additions to the panel, XM weather and TruTrack ADI Pilot II paid for themselves yesterday.

Coming of Age

I didn?t make it to Oshkosh this year which was fairly unusual since I?ve attended the annual event 19 times since 1984. But this year from a vantage point behind the computer monitor, it occurred to me that something very special happened for the first time. The RV community came of age.

Thanks to Doug?s great photographs and daily report and Bob Collins unexpected and superbly written blog, I felt at times as if I was there. Bob?s folksy writing style is suggestive (to me) of Garrison Keiller of ?A Prairie Home Companion.? Every morning while downing my mandatory cup of heavily caffinated joe, I found myself looking forward to reading what Bob had to say and thoroughly enjoying every word.

Because of the efforts of these two talented individuals, I ?rode along? with Paul Dye as he made the unexpected pilgrimage to AirVenture at the last minute and vicariously enjoyed the brat and cheeseburger he loaded onto his plate at the BBQ. What an event that must have been! Seeing all those faces breaking bread together, I had to nod in quiet agreement with Bob?s sage observation?that it is best to just keep politics out.

Finally, I wondered how the weather brewing up north was going to affect a planned departure, knowing Doug was going to split for home on Thursday morning and throughout the day, I mused where he?d be at any given time during the trek homeward. Had the fates been properly aligned, I would have happily hopped in ?Darla!? for a quick intrastate flight and met up with Doug anywhere in the Show Me State to swap lies over his Missouri lunch before he departed for home on the final leg.

In general, AirVenture 2007 is shaping up to be a signal year for the RV community and we should all of us be grateful of the efforts freely given by these two individuals, efforts that in no small part defines what the RV community is today and what it can become tomorrow.

My wife, Mabel and I saw you outbound from our campsite on the ground, and we thought, God speed, as you turned easterly at about 1000' agl.

Glad your radio worked, after a bit, as it is lonely with out it.

I am sorry I didn't get a chance to talk to you at the bbq, but we both took photos of each other at about the same time.

My wife said you look like a hippie with your long ponytail. I guess that tells you what generation we are from.

Thanks for your great web site, it is simply the best.

See you at a future event.

Home in NM

N209RV touched down at Sandia Airpark (1N1) at about 2:38 local. Landed in Beatrice, NE (BIE) for fuel and there were 2 other planes from 1N1! Because of headwinds, stopped at Los Vegas, NM (LVS) for fuel, then picked our way between rain showers to home. Loved seeing the Beach Boys while standing under a Ford Tri-Motor! That could only happen at AirVenture! :D
Home Again

Saw you leave Doug, Got out around 11:00 myself. Crossed the lake and east we went, real scudy though. Home safe at 5:00. Was a great show and a better Bar-B-Q. Just want to thank Bob Collins for all the work he put in, my wife loved it and wants to go again next year. Nice to put faces to many I have met on this site.

Thanks Again

My Bride and I just got home safe.

Had enough rain so called it and drove home a day early.

Had a blast with everyone!
RV6_flyer said:
Welcome home.

5 SoCAL RVs from OSH at E80 RON.
2 SoCAL RVs from OSH at I58 RON.
2 SoCAL RVs from OSH at BGD RON.
RON = Remain Over Night

9 SoCAL pilots also Dog tired from sitting in the cockpit.

Keep pounding those rivets and you will be joining us too.
The SoCAL 9 listed above are all back in their hangars in SoCAL in time for a late lunch today.

Still at least TWO SoCAL RVs at OSH that will depart over the weekend and three others that I know about that left OSH to go visit friends and family before heading home.
I Rather be Flying

Deb and I left Green Lake yesterday morn at 0800 and drove to Milwaukee for an 1120 flight back to Greensboro by way of Charlotte. Arrived CLT at 1400 for a 2 hour lay over. Left CLT at 1640 and arrived back in Greensboro at 1715. You guys flew from OSH back to Texas in your RV's in less time than it took us to fly back to NC on the airlines. I'm jealous. :D

Had a great time and enjoyed meeting everyone. 'til next time...

Bill Settle
Winston-Salem, NC
-8 Wings
Landed Safe L00 (Rosamond, CA)

Landed Safe at 12:30 pm today. Highlight at OSH was the 35 ship formation! It was the talk of OSH!
2nd highlight was seeing XM-weather in action to and from OSH! It may be an early Christmas this year! 3rd Highlight was the fabulous BBQ by Bob Collins!

Camping was a blast! I pulled up and camped right next to Greg & Beth
Scates (neighbor at L00), Rosie and Victoria(neighbor at L00), Gary &
Carolyn Zilik (CO), Scott and Deb Mills (IL), Larry & Gerry Schneider
(Phoenix), and Jim and Andrew Percy (So Cal). The Phoenix gang was 5
rows back and the other 350 of our closest RV friends camping in the
field. See everyone next year!

Doug you were right in front of me for the departure :)

I was taking my son home ... got home and returned to OSH the same day.
Safe Return

N72NJ Larry Bialecki

Got back safely to Southern CA (TSP) on the 26th July, 1400 local. 13 hours and 1700 nm. Ken Broda and I had a good time and missed all the rain. We left Wednesday morning. Did fly around some weather near Flagstaff and Needles. After return checked the nose wheel and found some rotational play in the strut and the motor mount. Bolt in motor mount lose? I did not like the taxi from the runway to the HBC. That ground was real rough for a trike. Otherwise the experieice was fanstatic. :)
That Thursday morning departure convinced me to upgrade the trusty old Garmin 296 by at least another hundred or maybe two. Once we sniffed out the light areas of weather near OSH the trip back to the DFW area via the required fuel/brat stop at KIRK was nice and smooth. Also nice to see Flash right off my wing - radio or not. You hung in there like a pro, Doug. Thanks for the company.
Home Safe without N710RV

Got home safe last night about 10:30 p.m. in a rental car. N710RV had a mag problem that forced me to land at Elk City, OK yesterday afternoon. Couldn't fix the mag on the field (parts not available) so took it off and brought it home with me in a rental car. Will get parts Monday and drive back to Elk City on Tuesday to put back together and fly home.

This after having to replace a blown O-Ring in my left brake at Oshkosh before I could depart.

All in all it was a wonderful week. Hope to see all you guys and gals at LOE-2007. I have promised rides in N710RV (RV-10) to lots of people at LOE so come join the crowd.

I'm in FtWorth area (52F) and have a spare impulse mag that I'm not using. If you needed I could pick you up in lubbock and take you to elk city. A hassle either way for you but if this would help let me know.
Home in one piece. Fired up around 10 after saying so long to Glenn Brasch and his son, Michael (a heck of a kid!), taxied out and kept taxiing for 4 1/2 hours before pulling into the driveway at home.

I was too tired to put the tent back up and clean it out. I knew I would be. that's why before I took it down this morning, I threw 5 $20 bills inside.

It's clean now.
Bob Collins said:
Home in one piece. Fired up around 10 after saying so long to Glenn Brasch and his son, Michael (a heck of a kid!), taxied out and kept taxiing for 4 1/2 hours before pulling into the driveway at home.
Thanks for the kind words (again) Bob, I am not looking forward to the 4 day drive home to Arizona. Just more motivation to get the RV flying. C ya next year!
Home safe

Becky and I made it home safe on Wed. We had to climb to 11500 to cross the lake back to Michigan because of clouds. Good to see you again. For those who can't find anything new to see at OSH, you should do like Becky and I. We go and see the vendors for an hour or two in the morning and then we sit with our 9A and talk to all of the 100's of people that stop by the plane and ask questions like, "Could I build one of these?". We had quite a few people come back to us this year to tell us that because we had answered their questions, that they had just placed an order with Van's. By Tue. evening I could hardly talk. More of us should be doing this to help people with questions. Not all people feel comfortable talking with Van's crew.

Interesting observation, and a very good point. I will definately do that when my plane is flying.
Great Trip!!

Karen and I landed in Independence today at noon after a fairly non-eventful return. We battled headwinds, low ceilings and embedded t-storms, but the 396/xm combo kept us on track and sure helped us avoid the worst spots.

We landed yesterday morning at Hot Springs, SD after low ceilings made us wait awhile. Got to meet Larry Vetterman and friends at the FBO, he suggested an improved routing back to Independence.

Speaking of Vetterman...after landing today and uncowling for an oil change, I discovered a badly cracked exhaust, just upstream from the lowermost ball joint...we lucked out on that one for sure.

Sure enjoyed meeting everyone and attending the BBQ. We were most impressed by the comraderie among the RV crowd. Even though we all know everything about almost anything, we still manage to "bond" on that shared level of commonality and friendship. Roy, Jerry, Doug, Tom and Bonnie were all great neighbors!! The 35 ship formation was awesome...(hope it made up for the flubbed up controller that "handled" your arrival).

We'll definitly look forward to seeing all of you next year!

Bob n Karen Brown
3 hours and I'm home after a long week at OSH.

IMHO the best attended AirVenture ever. Maybe not by the numbers, but by the number of airplanes & camping areas full.

Home sweet home!

I took a ride in the aluminum saloon, as the RV isn't done and the price was hard to beat.

Good to meet everyone!

I got my order in for my AF3500's while I was there! Thanks Rob!

:) CJ
Slowest return

With all the clouds over Indiana, I idled back pretty far as things were clearing slower than expected. What a plane! Moderate cruise going up and poking along coming back and it took it all in stride. Nice, comfortable flight, if not a new speed record.

LOVED talking with people about 908BL. This was my first experience of having my own plane there (as well as first time flying in.) But I gotta say the BBQ was the highlight. Bob C is right; we are family, and I am proud to be a part of it.

Bob Kelly
Home From OSH

A fun week! Shooter made it home Saturday, no problems, love that 396!
Now,,, the new Borrowed Horse is needing some attention.
Home Safe

Tuppergal and I departed OSH on Saturday morning towards Missouri for fuel/lunch then continued into Dalhart (DHT), TX and called it a day. Sunday morning, we flew to St. Johns (SJN), AZ for fuel, Payson (PAN), AZ for breakfast and landed Rosamond Skypark (L00), CA at 1:30pm PDT. 32 hours of FUN flying (including the formation), and it was great meeting many of you for the first time. See you at Van's Homecoming and LOE '07 ;) Rosie
Bob Axsom said:
This year we flew into Fond Du Lac on Sunday after the AirVenture Cup Race and flew home the next day without going into Oshkosh.
Bob Axsom
Bob, sorry I didn't get to talk to you. I wanted to tell you attaboy for all your hard work on your airplane.

I made it home Saturday, 933 nm westbound in 5.5 hours with a fuel stop at Beatrice, NE. Dodging weather with the help of the 396.

Great trip and a great fly-in.

Left Saturday morning about 1015, stopped for fuel around Lomira,Wi. and needed to stop again around Limestoneville,Pa. Got home about 230 Sunday morning. Oh yeah, did it on the ground. :( Need to make progress on getting in the air.
9 Days at Oshkosh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome!!!!!!!!

Home safe, Yahooooo!! Left for OSH 7-20-07 and home on 7-29-07, 9 days of Oshkosh and I still didn?t see everything or everyone. The best part of OSH was meeting new friends and hanging out with a wonderful group of people. Weather coming home was an adventure on Sunday, but the 396 Garmin made it a piece of cake. Picture attached is at 14,500? over somewhere in northern Nebraska.
rv969wf said:
Home safe, Yahooooo!! Left for OSH 7-20-07 and home on 7-29-07, 9 days of Oshkosh and I still didn?t see everything or everyone. The best part of OSH was meeting new friends and hanging out with a wonderful group of people. Weather coming home was an adventure on Sunday, but the 396 Garmin made it a piece of cake. Picture attached is at 14,500? over somewhere in northern Nebraska.

Totally cool, Alan. You have one very nice airplane. Glad to have met you.

Flew home on Saturday with 2 very sore feet. Must have walked a hundred miles during the week. Thanks Bob Collins for the BBQ, it was fun. The RV formation flying was a pleasure to watch.
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from OSH

Well, we flew out of OSH on Thursday morning between rains and headed west to eastern Montana for the night. On Friday we flew into Glacier and rented a car for an afternoon drive into Glacier Park. On Sat we flew into Olympia, Wa to join up with an Alaskian Air Tour. We will be flying north on Tuesday morning.

Tom & Bonnie Lewis
Last one out, please turn off the lights

Left this afternoon. Saw a couple RVs depart this morning, and helped one guy push his 10 out from Van's tent. There was still one RV-4 in Homebuilt Camping, but other than that the place looks like it did two weeks ago.

Here's an interesting tidbit: The final numbers are not in, but as of Thursday, there were more registered RVs in Area 51 and Homebuilt Camping than there were Cessnas in Antique/ Classic. And Antique/ Classic moved the contemporary category from '67 to '70 this year.

It was a good time and I'm glad I got to meet many VAF members in person. Looking forward to next year, but after 13 days, I'm about OSH'ed out.
Finally made it home

Left for OSH on Thursday the 19th of July. Stopped at Capitol airport west of Milwaukee to drop on my wife and went back to KSQI for the formation clinic for the 35 ship. Back to OSH that Sunday and stayed until Thursday.
From there to Midland TX. for family stuff, and then Sunday afternoon 2 hopped it home to Dahlonega. 30+ fun filled RV hours and lots of photo's and memories and we're back home. What a great community. What a great plane! 496, can't say enough about that.