
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
When you get home from LOE'07 could you please give us a shout here so we'll know you're home safe? Thanks.

Best always,

3.25 hrs flight time, N520TX, pilot, navigator and Cleco are back at 40XS safe and sound.

Had a great time!
5.5 hours of smooth flying back to NE with a 30+ MPH tail wind. Beautiful cloud formations along the way, a great day to fly.

Thanks DR, for helping to put on such a great flyin. A good time was had by all in our "group". Very nice to put faces with screen names, and to have major contributors to this forum be recongized for their efforts.

VERY cool of you to recognize the 82 year old B-17 crewman / WWII POW survivor / RV builder and pilot who flew solo to LOE. Very classy of everyone to give him a standing O too. Well done.

BTW, I'm still holding my raffel tickets. I'm sure Russ Davies winning the Garmin 496 was a total mistake, and he'll give it to me (the rightfull owner) in a few days.
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The Cards made it back to Austin safe in 4822C. 75hrs now back from our first real trip away from home in it. Wow, very cool!
Although we're not really home yet (I've got a work project in Phoenix for the next week or so), we made it to our post-LOE destination. We left as a six-ship group that included us, the Schneiders, the Woods, the Rosaleses, Leland & Andrew, and the Murdocks (father & son ?). It was a beautiful flight to DVT. After breakfast all but the Millses and Schneiders continued on to CA.

This was my second trip to LOE but my first in my own plane with my wife. Had a great time catching up with friends and also making some new ones!!
'Flash' and crew home safe...

3.6hrs up and 3.4hrs back. Safe and sound. Great time with everyone - will write up a proper piece tonight.

Best always,
Back at ADS

Got home just after Doug. The Regional Approach controller for Addison was so busy that I never could make contact and ended up calling Addison Tower direct. Nice flight. Great weekend.

Gary and Carolyn Zilik be home and it's now snowing.

208 knots gs level flight while we went over Pueblo at 14500.

We are back on the west coast

Bryan and Sherri Wood continued on to Bakersfield to visit family and pick up our dog after Rosie and Tuppergal along with Leland and his builder/passenger Andrew landed at Rosamond. We had a smooth ride home and had tailwinds both directions on this trip. Thanks everybody for a great event. See you next year.

home sweet home

Jimmyb and Vicki2 are home sweet home to North West Kansas. Took over five hours going down Friday with close to fifty knot headwinds calculated for most of the trip. Made it home today in less than three hours! Saw 214 knots ground speed over eastern Colorado at 13,500. Saw 230 knots in the descent, till we went throught the wind shear layer and got into the winds going the other direction in the cold front. All of the sudden we changed from 230 to 150 knot ground speed in about a fifteen hundred foot change of altitude. Border line severe turbulence in that layer, but smooth above and below. Had a GREAT time at LOE as usual. Everyone does such a GREAT job setting up and planning the affair (Thanks everyone!). Great to see old friends and make a few new ones.

Jim Baker
Goodland, Kansas
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A two ship flight made it back to Minneapolis this afternoon, 6.6 hours on the hobbs. Ground speeds were between 180 and 195 knots most of the way. (The trip down Thursday was a bit different - 125 to 135 knot gs most of the way.) Elapsed time today was 8 hours, including a one hour stop for gas in SW Iowa at Red Oak (thanks for the tip Gene, great fbo). I think the total distance was around 1050 n.m.

BTW, that stop was a bit entertaining - we saw a tiny rain shower just south of the field, in fact, I deliberately flew into into it hoping for a bug wash. Anyway, we landed, and before I finished fueling, it was raining quite hard. I sprinted into the FBO and it absolutely poured for a half hour. That little shower developed into a very localized but strong thunderstorm right when we were there! There weren't any other radar returns for 100 miles! The planes were sitting a pool of water, and when the rain started to diminish, we sprinted back out and hopped in. We took off in light rain, turned to the west, and were in the sun again in about a mile. No more New Mexico dust on the planes. I hung my socks on the engine controls to dry them.

What a great group of folks at the fly-in, for those of you still building, your turn will come.
Great time

Rooster, Woody, Squid home safe and sound. Lots of fun and glad to meet more Rv'ers! Class act putting this together Doug! Can't wait to see pics!
N131RV Joe and Sonya back home

Great show, had tons of fun. We were one of the last RV's to leave, since we decided to visit Juarez before departure. I think there were only two or three left when we departed.

About 3.2 hours home to 28TE in economy cruise, nasty headwind 20+ knots the last hour or so.

Stopped in KFST for lunch. Wouldn't you know, all the good places are closed on Sunday!

Best to all. We met a ton of nice folks.

Thanks Doug!
The Blackhawk Sqdn arrived home in Northern IL/ Southern WI about 5PM local after departing 5T6 at 7:30AM. Our experience paralleled that of Alex, 130 kts GS on the way down, 190+ going home.

Crossed paths with Alex and the MN crew at KBGD. As we were working our way up and down the line of CB looking for a way through, I couldn't help thinking that "I'm glad I'm not going to the Cities." Glad you guys made it home.
The Blackhawk Sqdn arrived home in Northern IL/ Southern WI about 5PM local after departing 5T6 at 7:30AM. Our experience paralleled that of Alex, 130 kts GS on the way down, 190+ going home.

Crossed paths with Alex and the MN crew at KBGD. As we were working our way up and down the line of CB looking for a way through, I couldn't help thinking that "I'm glad I'm not going to the Cities." Glad you guys made it home.

Actually, Jeff, it was easy for us, we just paralleled the lines, which were narrow. You guys had to cross them. Oh, and we created our own little thunderstorm at Red Oak. I'll bet it was the extra exhaust heat that triggered it!
Home Safe


JayBird Home Safe big smiles all around!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for a fun time. Glad to spend time with you and all of your other 980hundred or so friends. Thanks for introducing me to your audience during the awards raffle ceremony. My 9 seconds of fame made my day!!!!!
Flying home with a five ship, you, & Flash, Chris Pratt, Scott, and, Don YellowBird, and Tobin was the culmination of a great weekend. Good weather, good fellow ship, and new friends. What a fun way to spend a weekend.

A coup-la questions???????????

I was THE ONLY??? one from Hicks T67 there. We have 25+ RVs here??????????? where where the rest of you?????????????

The South California Fliers had 3? , Rosie, Mercedes, and Ron & Susan Hull, What's up???.......
Rosie, ?? Where are your people?? (I wish I had an answer for you Jay!?! Rosie)

The DFW, North Texas RVers???And other RV flyer's. Where are you??? This is THE, RV fly out/in. You RV owners that did not come to this... YOU were missed and Talked about. You have to show up to defend your selves!!!!!
The Pecan Grandbury bunch had a fare showing,, thanks.
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Home safe from LOE

Tom & Bonnie Lewis made it to our intended destination today of Kennett, Mo. We are on our way to New Hampshire to see the grand kids tomorrow. But we had to make a 3 hour stop at home, Pecan Plantation, to replace our alternater which gave up the ghost about 250 miles west of Fort Worth. We got some good data on battery life with no working alternater. Thank God it did not fail on the Alaska trip!! So we have 198 hours on our RV7a in 4 days less than 6 months.

We also had a great time at LOE. Thanks to all those that worked all the details to make everything work.
Moody Blue Home safe

Thanks Doug again. Moody Blue (Gene and Janet), Golden Eagle and Geico all home through the scattered thunder storm build-ups. 5.4 hours to the Omaha area.
The Jimmy B and Rosie Turks and Caicos group had a wonderful 6 month reunion at the best fly-in in the country. Thanks Red and all who helped put it on. Gene
The AZ contingent made it home in good style (a whole lot of chatter on fingers on the way home). Saw the SoCal contingent on the ramp at KDVT getting in their birds after breakfast.

Whole lotta grins from everyone I saw both during and after the event. I sure do love the aviation folks I meet at these gatherings. What a great bunch of people.
Home Safe with 496

Thanks LOE. 496 is still in the box but it, Ann, & I are all home safe. For those of you who haven't heard. I didn't win anything any of the five times I had been to LOE, but I told my buddy Bob Kaufman that these charties that we support with our raffle money deserve our support so much that I was going to double my usual 100 donation this year by 100% and that he should also. We both decided that was a great idea.

So when I arrived and registered I handed over my usual 100 dollar bill for 5 raffle tickets and none won. Then later in the day I forked over another hundred dollar bill and the middle ticket won the 496. Next year maybe it will happen to you!!!!
Tommy Holland (WW11 vet shot down over Germany in a B-17 and RV-6A builder) and I made it back to Lockhart safe and sound in 3.0 hours. Tommy was overwhelmed by the introduction and standing ovation. Thanks guys and gals.

Van's NW RVators home

Rob Butt and I made the entire flight home Sunday. The weather was great except for the last 100 miles or so in typical Oregon rain. 8.7 hours, 2 fuel stops (PGA & BAM) 1347 miles (dues to the needed weather diversion down the gorge). The worst weather was when we actually tried to get into Aurora (UAO) and couldn't because of a squall line. We diverted over to Molalla and landed. I can't believe that we had headwinds for the entire trip!:rolleyes:

Great show, thanks to all involved for the effort, and we'll be back again next year!
Florida Boys are home

The Florida formation is home safe and sound. We all had a great time at LOE and already have plans to attend next year.

Safe flying everyone,

Rich N707RW "Katie Sue"
Marc N320NW
Chris N32CR
Paul N654PJ
17500' with 81mph quartering tail wind

Yummy. Flight down from Denver was rough and slow. Flight back was a dream. Got IFR clearance for descent from 17.5 through the layers between Pueblo and Denver, into the clear 30 miles from destination BJC. 620 statute miles, 2.98 hrs engine start to shutdown, 24 gal gas. A magic carpet indeed!
Thanks, yet from one more person, for your dedication and work...

Becky and I are back in North East GA. We logged just about 2450 nautical mi. 15.1 flight time as recorded by the Garmin. Averaged just over 162 kts for the entire trip and burned 151.2 gals.

Flew back to Lockhart TX. Sun. in loose trail with Mark and crew in his -10. Visited family there overnight and returned to Georgia today.

We had an awsome trip, met some wonderful people and helped, in our small way a good cause. For me, life just get any better than this.:)
Thanks for a great time!

Had a great time. Doug you did a great job! It was great seeing everyone. Had a great flight to Albuquerque Balloon Festival and I'm sorry I missed the Banquet. The flight home for ABQ was a little bumpy till Flagstaff. Then I had a nice tail wind…… The view from 10,500 was great all the way home.

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Gary Bricker

The Brickers, Christmans, Stepplings, and the Hutchisons, made it home to Granbury, TX.,Monday afternoon by way of the balloon fiesta in Albuquerque. It was great. Good side trip after such a great time at LOE.
Ohio Guys are back.

Santa Teresa, NM (5T6) to Medina, OH (1G5) : 8.0 hrs. flying time . . .
in a plane I put together in my garage: " PRICELESS"
Flew back with the other two Ohio guys, Greg Reese and Bud Newhouse. We stopped for fuel and hot dogs at Pogue, OK, then another stop at Greenville,IL
I split off to Cleveland and heard the Cincinnati boys landing at Lunken. We sure had a great flight.
Red, Larry, Doug, many thanks for putting on a great event.
Long way around

Dick & Barb Flunker and Ann & I just got back this evening. We went up to Santa Fe and Taos for a couple of days.
Ann & I made it home from Santa Fe non-stop. I think that's some kind of record for Ann.
Home (and SORE!)

Louise and I just pulled in to Houston this afternoon - took a little detour on the way home from LOE and stopped at Big Bend Ranch State Park for a few days of horseback riding, hiking, and doing nothing. We discovered that a six-hour stretch on horses is slightly beyond our endurance limit....but a whole lot of fun!

Great pictures from that trip to come, but just wanted to say how great the LOE experience was again this year. As promised, having TWO complete XM receivers in the airplane ensured great weather for everyone in the Texas area - we never had a weather problem in six days of flying.

See everybody next year - or hopefully sooner! There are lots of other fly-in's, but it's hard to beat the feel of LOE...

(Pictures to come!)