
Well Known Member
The Cards are home safe from LOE '09. We're feeling vindicated from our travels home from the same event last year which was the final catalyst to us both getting instrument tickets...

We launched from home on Friday into light rain and overcast weather for the short climb a couple thousand feet above to sunshine and a smooth trip all the way to Pecos for fuel. We had the usual great time at LOE. Turn out was a little light, but was no less on the fun factor. Still plenty of entertaining characters to talk to.
Today, we launched into beautiful skies pointed toward central Texas (home). We picked up our IFR clearance just after exiting the pattern at Donna Anna and were happily above the low crud at 13000' which started at the Guadalupe mtns. The next three hours were smooth sailing above. We watched reporting stations below the whole way with reports of ugly stuff like 200' ceiling, 1/2mi., light rain... Yuck.
As we were sailing by Pecos, we heard Paul and Louise in Mikey having a little issue getting their clearance in the air from ABQ Center. Bummer... We tracked them down a few minutes later on the radio pausing at Fort Stockton to try again. Little did they know, ABQ Center was trying to raise them for over 15min. after Center essentially told them we don't have your flight plan. Oh well, I guess stuff happens. They sounded safe down there 10k' below. We continued our happy camper routine all the way to the beginning of our decent into home. We descended through 10k' of solid clouds, mist, and rain for a beautiful GPS Runway 36 approach at Georgetown. We broke out 100' above minimums at 600' with a couple miles of visibility in light rain and mist. It worked just like advertised. The runway was very wet and completely slippery. The roll out was the most exciting part of the whole flight home.
Last year this time, the weather was very similar and it posed a real problem for us. In the interim, as Tanya put it, "We solved that problem, not once, but twice."
Much fun, great to see everybody, and if you don't have it, go get an instrument ticket or get current. Picture time:

Ice cream after the Banquet

The solid cloud line just east of El Paso.

Our standard cruise state performance. We totaled 6.6gph and 3+20 total flight time (with the gps approach). Arrived at home with 14gal, single hop.

Shut down on the ground at home. There were no pictures of the approach, everybody was busy.

The results of being shut down in front of the hangar after LOE '09 and the realization that all that hard work allowed us to get home easily TODAY.
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Glad to here you guys made it home safely.
We're back also. SouthWest Airlines didn't let us down.
Doug, Ann & I rode the same 737 back to Dallas.

BTW, As I got off the airplane in Dallas, the Captain saw the pin on my hat and said,"Hey that's an RV isn't it?"
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Mikey, Louise and I are back in Houston as well! Louise got to shoot her very first, for real ILS to get us back in, and she did great.

We filed IFR from Alpine, and when we went to pick up the clearance, they couldn't find it - had to land in Fort Stockton to refile, since ABQ Center said they were too busy to talk with us. While we were on the phone, FSS admitted they had held our original one by mistake.....oh well - the weather on top at 11,000' was great, and a nice ILS to 800 feet was a good finish.

Hope every one else made it home!

Home too!

3+13 after wheels up we touched down at the home aerodrome. We sure had a good time!
3+13 after wheels up we touched down at the home aerodrome. We sure had a good time!

Wow Gary, you're da' man. I probably wouldn't have had the experience to fly into that stuff that was looming in your neck of the woods.
The SoCAL group including Mercedes/Sean, Gary Sobek, Dan Hall, Bill & Sharon Souza and Tuppergal/me are all home safe (after a lunch stop in Big Bear), Rosie
Glad to here you guys made it home safely.
We're back also. SouthWest Airlines didn't let us down.
Doug, Ann & I rode the same 737 back to Dallas.

I'm rubbing my eyes in disbelief. :eek: Commercial airlines? :rolleyes:


Glad to see you guys had fun and are back home safe. Sorry I missed it this year, LOE is special.
Back at Pecan

Tom & Bonnie also made it home from LOE this afternoon landing at Pecan about 5pm after shooting the GPS 14 approach into Granbury. We were about the last ones to leave Donna Anna figuring the that forecasts were for the weather to improve later in the afternoon. We just about waited too late. We filed an IFR flight plan, used DUAT, from Abilene to Granbury expecting to fly VFR on top over to Abilene and pickup a clearance then. We climbed up to 9.5k and headed east. We saw the same cloud bank at El Capitan that Scott's picture showed. Had good VFR with 20 knot tailwind. What I did not expect was the thunderstorms to pop up around the Midland area. We had to deviate north of Midland to avoid the red and yellow areas on our XM weather, and then direct to Abilene and our IFR clearance into Granbury. These WAAS GPS approaches are great! We broke out at about 1400 agl and transitioned to the Pecan vfr lake arrival. We hangared the airplane and drove up to Fort Worth for a music concert that we wanted to attend.

We had a great time visiting with everyone. Looking forward to next year.

Our SPOT track link is in the signature block below.
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C.T. and I launched out at 0830 local and squeaked down at VGT 3.5 hours later. We had a chance to experiment with some LOP running and I was amazed at getting the IO-540 to sip gas at 8.5 GPH while getting at 12,500 with 160 TAS with a 27 kt. xwind off the nose from the SW. It was great to meet all the folks we did considering we got in Saturday afternoon. I never answered so many questions about my RV before!!!:D The food was great!! Best $250 dollar BBQ I ever had and the entertainment, Tanya Cards victory dance was awesome;) I sat with Russ Daves and made him rub my shoulders before heading back to Vegas...I had to have some of that luck...but in all fairness anyone who bought 25 tickets deserves to win..good on ya Russ.
Us, too!

After leaving LOE in loose formation with Rosie et al,(Thanx, Rosie! It was a blast, can't wait to see the photos) we stopped at a private strip at the NM border and finalized some details with the folks that are going to paint my
-7A. A few clouds above us most of the way, we had great VFR with a lot of bumps the whole way. After dropping Kathy off at TUS, I headed to home base at Bisbee Muni (P04) and got about 1/3 of the way down the runway before the wind shear lightened up enough to let her settle in. Luckily there was plenty of wind on the nose so I still had lots of runway remaining. Thanx to all the old friends and new who made this LOE the best yet for me. (First time I've had my RV there). Already looking forward to next year!
Home and callsigns assigned

The SoCAL group including Mercedes/Sean, Gary Sobek, Dan Hall, Bill & Sharon Souza and Tuppergal/me are all home safe (after a lunch stop in Big Bear), Rosie

Sunblock and I had a 3,100 overcast in the LA Basin when we got here. No problem getting in through the Cajon Pass with good visibility.

15-minutes after putting my airplane in the hangar, I had FEW Clouds over Cable (KCCB) Airport. 45-minutes after landing, I was on my way home and the entire LA Basin was CLEAR.

Enjoyed flying with Scooter, Sunblock; Rosie; Tuppergal; Goose and Cougar; plus Bill and Sharon.

Several people earned callsigns on this trip. Dan Hall "Sunblock", Sean "Goose", and Mercedes "Cougar". Now to get them out in circulations so that the callsigns STICK.
Vans guys back home...

Daryl Sahnow and myself made the flight home on Sunday without any real issues other than strong headwinds at all altitudes from about Page, AZ on. CAVU all the way... Routing was 5T6->PGA->BAM->UAO... Crossing Nevada we had to slow down to some continuos light/moderate chop as we crossed ridges. Daryl flew most of the trip down and back so we could get him additional airtime in 'short wing' RV's. He owns and flys a very nice -9A...
It was great seeing every one at the event!
Several people earned callsigns on this trip. Dan Hall "Sunblock", Sean "Goose", and Mercedes "Cougar". Now to get them out in circulations so that the callsigns STICK.

I'll remember those :D Who came up with or Rosie!
Still plenty of entertaining characters to talk to.

Hmmm...I resemble that remark...

Moose did the Aluminum Mailing Tube thing like Doug, Mel and Ann, and got home safely at 17:45 local. Thanks Delta for not screwing up my weekend. With all the clouds covering everything, there wasn't any reason to look out the window, so I got a nice nap out of the deal.

Pictures will come when I get them out of the camera,
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The Ogden reps back without incident

Great time, great folks, great food, splice the main brace!
Color in Aztec.


Great Host.







Look close for the RV6 in flight.
Home Safe from LOE

Ann and I got home safe with blue skies all the way on Monday afternoon. Sunday and Monday morning at KLBB was 200-400 OVC with mist, light rain and down to 1/4 mile visibility. Far below my IFR minimums for an approach.

We stayed an extra day, enjoyed two great meals at Kiki's mexican food place, Ann did more shopping (she thought I needed to lose weight). Somehow the reduction in weight in my back pocket translated to an increased take off weight (good thing I had the RV-10).