
Well Known Member
Whenever undertaking a maintenance issue be sure and check the simple things first. By way of example I will talk about a fuel leak on one of my aircraft. Now this leak was on my Citabria on floats but since I also have an RV8 I believe the issue is still valid. One day when heading out to go flying I noticed a drip, drip drip...of fuel come from the back on the cowling. Immediately turned the fuel selector to the off position and went to work on the cowling. Removed cowl, only dropping a couple tools in the water. Started checking all the fuel connections and could find nothing loose. Turned the fuel selector back on a sure enough, drip, drip, drip...coming from the bottom of the carb. Went over it with a fine tooth comb...nothing...went back to fuel which point I noted that the Primer was not in a locked!...Always start with the simple things first...happy new year.
Thank you for the reminder Burke, and I'm glad it was nothing major for you to fix! Now for the tools left on the bottom! :( :(

Happy and safe flying to you up there. I've been to Alaska and loved it, but never done any flying up there. It's on my list though!

Happy Holidays to you!