
Well Known Member
How many of you did not take the time to cut the lightening hole in the spacer that goes behind the tie down bracket? Seems like a lot of work for such a little gain.
IMHO, you don't have to drill the holes to the perscribed dimensions, but I would consider it the max. You could always go smaller using the step-drill (unibit), and that wouldn't take but a few minutes. Just a thought.
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If it were me, and it will be someday, I drill lightening holes in everything I could. It may not seem like much on that particular part but every ounce saved adds up over the course of the entire plane. Doesn't take much time anyway as Brad points out.
Ounces add up to pounds

Brian, you are right. It is not going to save much weight in and by itself. Over the course of the project, these small weight savings will add up to pounds though. Personally, I search for these opportunities.

Like most things on this project, it comes down to being your call. It will fly either way. Good luck.
For what its worth, I declined to put the lightning holes in the VS spar. I have regretted it ever since. I DID do the lightning holes in the tiedown spacers.
Will Womack said:
...I declined to put the lightning holes in the VS spar. I have regretted it ever since.
Will, that was .00487598 kts you lost by not doing that! Get with the program! :D

i'd be surprised if all the lightening added up to a whole pound. yet if that caveman tool (fly cutter ) get's away from you it's gonna hurt. make sure you allow for polishing to final size. i did all thes holes and really dont think it was worth it, yet i did it. hmmm go figure.
I almost forgot... I was helping a new -9 builder get set up last weekend and his VS stiffener came from Van's with the lightening holes already drilled. New feature from Van's I suppose.
Time for me to make a possible fool of myself:

I only drilled holes that were easy...probably out of guilt more than anything. I figure that the total of all the lightning holes add up to less than 1 lb. I'll just remember to take a leak before I get in for a flight. Heck, my flight bag set up for IFR is 15lbs.

In my humble non-engineer opinion, why bother to do these? Is there any true gain in W&B on the plane? On the other hand, they do look pretty cool.
RV7Factory said:
I almost forgot... I was helping a new -9 builder get set up last weekend and his VS stiffener came from Van's with the lightening holes already drilled. New feature from Van's I suppose.

Interesting... this wasn't the case in a two week old RV-8 tail kit I helped a new builder with.... :(

gil in Tucson
Hmmmmmm, there is a posiblity I could be mistaken (it's happened before), but I remember him pointing it out to me saying "Look the factory drilled the holes for me". Could it have been the HS stiffener on a -9??? I will email him and have him double-check.
Aft CG

I suspect that saving every ounce in the tail section is important, not because of the weight saving per se, but because of the aft CG problem on the RV7s. Saving 2oz in the tail where the moment arm is long will enable you to put approx an additional 1lb in the baggage compartment.
true true

Captain Avgas said:
I suspect that saving every ounce in the tail section is important, not because of the weight saving per se, but because of the aft CG problem on the RV7s. Saving 2oz in the tail where the moment arm is long will enable you to put approx an additional 1lb in the baggage compartment.
and beware of careful application of paint. we were taught too much paint on the tail will have you getting a personal relationship with stripper.
Email confirmation arrived: -9 builder says his VS stiffener came with lightening holes pre-drilled. Tail kit was received 2-3 weeks ago.