
Well Known Member
I have a G3Xt, GTN650 and GMC507.
When selecting a holding at a way-point in the GTN650 flightplan, it comes up nicely on the G3Xt and the autopilot flies it ok. (external navigator select).
However if I push "edit holding" and make a change within the holding ie, 90 deg instead of 270 deg or left hand to right hand holding, pushing "load hold" button and confirm OK, the autopilot flies it correctly, but the change is not showing on the G3Xt screen. (the non corrected holding shows).
In preview the change is shown correctly on the GTN650.
If I close the map view on the G3Xt and reopen the map the changed holding
shows up correctly.

When doing the same operation in the Garmin trainer, the changed holding
shows in the PFD as soon as I push the button "load hold" + OK.

I have the latest updates on the G3Xt and GTN650. (not Xi).

This would be something for the G3X experts.

When doing the same operation in the Garmin trainer, the changed holding
shows in the PFD as soon as I push the button "load hold" + OK.

What Garmin trainer are you talking about? I'm unaware of one that simulates the G3X.
You are correct there is no G3Xt trainer as far as I know.
My point is that I expect that the G3Xt (PFD) behave in the same way as the PFD in the Garmin trainer.
If I use the "edit hold" hold function in the GTN650, I expect it to show up on the G3Xt as it does on anny other Garmin PFD.
Yes, I can reload the map page in the G3Xt and it THEN shows up corrected.
I think it is an issue if you need to reload the map page to get the corrected
holding information.

GTN Hold Display on Map Page

You are correct there is no G3Xt trainer as far as I know.
My point is that I expect that the G3Xt (PFD) behave in the same way as the PFD in the Garmin trainer.
If I use the "edit hold" hold function in the GTN650, I expect it to show up on the G3Xt as it does on anny other Garmin PFD.
Yes, I can reload the map page in the G3Xt and it THEN shows up corrected.
I think it is an issue if you need to reload the map page to get the corrected
holding information.


Good Morning,

We will attempt to recreate this on the bench today, and get back with you with what we find.



Update: We were able to recreate this problem, and will get a fix fielded as soon as possible. This occurs when modifying a hold within a non-active waypoint. For the time being, reference the External Navigator's graphical depiction of the hold.
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